Lesson 7 - Questions Flashcards
What is the difference between authorization and authentication?
What steps should be taken to enroll a new employee on a domain network?
True or false? An account requiring a password, PIN, and smart card is an example of three-factor authentication.
What methods can be used to implement location-based authentication?
Why might a PIN be a particularly weak type of something you know authentication?
In what scenario would PAP be considered a secure authentication method?
True or false? In order to create a service ticket, Kerberos passes the user’s password to the target application server for authentication.
A user maintains a list of commonly used passwords in a file located deep within the computer’s directory structure. Is this secure password management?
Which property of a plaintext password is most effective at defeating a brute-force attack?
True or false? When implementing smart card logon, the user’s private key is stored on the smart card.
You are providing consultancy to a firm to help them implement smart card authentication to premises networks and cloud services. What are the main advantages of using an HSM over server-based key and certificate management services?
Which network access control framework supports smart cards?
What is a RADIUS client?
What is EAPoL?
How does OTP protect against password guessing or sniffing attacks?
Apart from cost, what would you consider to be the major considerations for evaluating a biometric recognition technology?
How is a fingerprint reader typically implemented as hardware?
Which type of eye recognition is easier to perform: retinal or iris scanning?
What two ways can biometric technologies be used other than for logon authentication?