lesson 7: Linking Verbs Flashcards
to make
비가 와서 못 가요.
It’s raining, so l can’t go.
비가 와서 못 갔어요.
It rained, so I couldn’t go.
오늘은 바빠요.
Today, I’m busy.
영화를 못 봐요.
I can’t see the movie.
오늘은 바빠서 영화를 못 봐요.
I’m busy today, so I can’t see the movie.
to be glad to see someone
만나서 반갑습니다.
I met you, so l’m glad. (It’s nice to meet you.)
만나서 반가워요. (Less formal)
I met you, so l’m glad. (It’s nice to meet you.)
공원에 가다
to go to the park
공원에 가서 책을 읽을 거예요.
I’m going to go to the park and read a book.
친구를 만나서 밥을 먹었어요.
I met a friend, and (we) ate together.
친구를 만나서 밥을 먹을 거예요.
I’m going to meet a friend, and (we will) eat together.
돈을 모으다
to save up, to save money
돈을 모아서 뭐 할 거예요?
What are you going to do with the money you save up? (You save up money and what will you do?)
케이크를 사다
to buy a cake
친구한테 주다
to give to a friend
케이크를 사서 친구한테 줄 거예요.
I’m going to buy a cake and give it to a friend.
-에 따라서
according to~
계획에 따라서 진행하겠습니다
I’ll proceed according to the plan.
예를 들어서
for example
예를 들어서, 이렇게 할 수 있어요.
For example, you can do it like this.
한국에 가서 뭐 할 거예요?
After you go to Korea, what are you going to do?
서울에 와서 좋아요.
Since I came to Seoul, I’m glad.
잠을 많이 자서 전혀 피곤하지 않아요.
I slept a lot, so I am not tired at all.
비가 와서 집에 있었어요.
It rained, so I stayed at home.
요즘에 바빠서 친구들을 못 만나요.
These days I’m busy, so I can’t meet my friends.
열심히 공부해서 장학금을 받을 거예요.
I’m going to study hard so I will get a scholarship.
한국어가 너무 재미있어서 매일 공부하고 있어요.
Korean is so much fun that I’m studying it every day.
한국어보다 중국어가 더 쉬워요?
Is Chinese easier than Korean?
중국어가 더 쉬워요.
Chinese is easier.
영어랑 비슷해서요.
That is because it is similar to English.