Lesson 7-How is sediment transported and deposited at the coast? Flashcards
Transportation process-Suspension
Very small particles of sand and silt are carried along by the waves and ocean currents.
Transportation processes-Traction
Large stones and pebbles rolled along the sea bed
Transportation processes-Solution
Dissolved minerals are transported within the sea water
Transportation processes-Saltation
Small stones and pebbles bounce along in a ‘leap frog’ type action
Building up of beach
How is sediment transported at the coast by the waves?
A large wave height does’nt mean its destructive
-Whether we get erosion or accretion depends on how the wave conditions on one day compare with the ‘normal’ wave condition.
-Beaches always to be balanced-neither eroding or accreting-they try to achieve this dynamic equilibrium, the beach might never be balanced but it is always trying to be
-At the end of summer, the beach is closest to equilibrium with the summer wave conditions
Longshore drift
Waves approach beach at angle due to prevailing wind direction
-The waves break and the swash carries material up the beach at the same angle as the wave approached
-The swash dies away the backwash carries any material back down to the beach at a right angle due to the influence of gravity.
-Means that material is moved along the beach in a zig zag route.
Do we always get longshore drift at the coast?
- Swash alligned coastlines are when waves break parallel to the coastline so there is no LSD
- Drift-alligned beaches allow LSD to occur as the prevailing wind approaches the beach at an angle
What is the impact of coastal management on transportation?
- Management strategies distant transportation within natural patterns as it deprives beaches of material and accelerates erosion
-stores, flows and sinks will be affected if longshore drift is interrupted
What is coastal deposition and when does it occur?
- Occurs when sediment ecretes due to low energy
What are examples of depositional landforms?
- Tombolos, Spit, Bars and beach
What are conditions for deposition to occur?
- Almost 20% of the worlds conditions are depositional in nature known as accretion
-occurs in low energy environments
-sediement input from rivers and the precense of coastal currents tends to trigger deposits locally
Factors influencing deposition
- Wave and wind direction, the supply of sediment and the depth of water are often significant.
- Large depositional landforms are found where the tidal range is less than 3 metres
- Waves need a stronger swash than backwash