Lesson 6 Watchkeeping Flashcards
- What are the duties of a watch keeper?
1) maintain a proper lookout at all times, using all means.
2) ensure safe navigation by regularly checking position, course, speed & identification of potential hazards (shoals, reef’s etc)
3) collision avoidance by monitoring the movement of other vessels, displaying appropriate lights & shapes & knowledge of collision avoidance.
- List reasons a watch keeper should call the master
1) if in any doubt as to action to be taken
2) restricted visibility encountered or expected
3) traffic conditions causing concern
4) navigation marks, lights or landmarks not sighted when expected
5) break down of essential equipment
6) navigational hazard met
7) change in weather conditions threaten ship
- Where should a copy of the Volregs be kept?
On the bridge at all times
- What does Ruke 2 of the Colregs allow?
Rule 2 is about responsibility. It allows vessels to act outside the rules in order to avoid a collision
- What does Rule 5 of the Cokregs cover?
The requirement to keep a proper lookout
-360 degrees
- using all available means
- Which Rule in the Colregs refers to a safe speed?
Rule 6
- What considerations go into determining a safe speed for a ship?
Safe speed takes consideration of the vessel’s circumstances:
Sea/ water conditions
Traffic density
Manoeuvring characteristics
- What is CBDR and what does it indicate?
Constant Bearing Decreasing Range
Indicates a risk of collision
- In the Colregs, which rule references risk of collision?
Rule 7
- In the Colregs, what does Rule 8 cover?
Action to avoid collision
- In the Colregs, what situation is covered by Rule 9?
Narrow channels
- How should a vessel traverse a narrow channel?
- keep yo the outer side as is safe & practicable
- stay to starboard
- sound one prolonged blast (4-6 seconds) when approaching a blind corner
- Which Rule in the Colregs covers overtaking?
Rule 13
- When overtaking another vessel, what is the basic rule?
A vessel overtaking shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken.
- Which of the Colregs rules deals with head on situations?
Rule 14
- What action should you take when faced with a “ head on” situation?
Alter course to starboard
- Which Colregs rules deals addresses ‘ crossing situations’
Rule 15
- What action should be taken by a ‘ give way’ vessel in a crossing situation?
The give way vessel should pass astern of the ‘ stand on ‘ vessel by altering course to starboard and, if necessary reducing speed.
- When must a ‘stand on’ vessel take action? What is to be avoided & why.
A stand on vessel MUST take action if necessary to avoid collision.
Avoid a turn to port in case the give way vessel takes late action by a turn to starboard
- What does Colregs rule 18 cover?
Rule 18: Responsibilities between vessels
- Except as per rule 9 & 13 , power vessels shall keep out of the way of which 4 types of vessels?
I) vessel not under command
II) vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuvre
III) vessel engaged in fishing
IV) a sailing vessel