Lesson 6: resisting social influence Flashcards
What is minority influence?
Form of social influence where a persuasive minority changes attitudes and behaviours of majority
Who studied minority influence?
Serge Moscovici
What was Serge’s study?
Blue slide green slide study
What was Serge’s procedure?
1) participants given eye test to ensure they’re not colour blind then they’re placed in groups with 4 other participants and 2 confederates
2) pps were shown 36 slides all different shades of blue and were asked to state the colour out loud
3) on first part confederates stated it was green and were consistent
4) in the second part they said green 24 times and blue 12 times so this time inconsistent
5) control group used without confederates
What was Serge’s conclusion?
- minorities can influence majorities
- influence is more effective when minority are consistent. When inconsistent majority ignored them
What did Moscovici find regarding consistency on minority influence?
Overtime consistency in minorities view increases amount of interest from other people
What is synchronic and diachronic consistency?
Synchronic: people in minority all saying same thing
Diachronic: they’ve been saying the same thing for a long time
What did Moscovici find regarding commitment of minority influence?
- sometimes minorities engage in extreme activities to draw attention to cause even when it’s a risk
What did Moscovici find regarding flexibility of minority influence?
Minority should balance consistency and flexibility so they do not appear rigid
What is the process of change?
- all 3 factors: consistency, commitment and flexibility make people think about a topic
What is resistance to social influence?
The ability of people to withstand social pressure to conform
- ability is influenced by situational and dispositional factors
What are locus of control?
- Internal locus refers to belief that individuals have control over their own actions and outcomes
- external locus refers to belief that external factors or luck dictate one’s fate
Are people with internal LOC more or less likely to be able to resist pressure to conform?
They’re more likely to resist as they can take personal responsibility
What experiment did Holland repeat?
What did Holland find?
- 37% of internals didn’t continue to highest shock
- only 23% of externals didn’t continue