Lesson 6 - Online Presence and Web Statistics Flashcards
“If you can be found over the internet in at least one location such as a web page”. “You exist. You’re there.”
Web presense
“If you are on the internet and can communicate or interact with others”. ”You’re there and you interact.”
Online presense
means just about anyone with a computing device has the capacity to see the information about you in the form of content that’s readily accessible with the use of technology and these are text, images, video
Online Exposure
How can we positively improve our exposure online?
- Considerable online and web presence
- More positive exposure
- More credibility for yourself
people who have built up their personal brand and audience through regularly posting quality, organic content, leading to a large, highly engaged audience.
Social Media Influencer
Influencer starter pack
- REACH – number of followers
- RESONANCE – potential to go viral
- RELEVANCE – right and engaging to the target market
the use of analyzed existing or simulated future data to develop realistic decisions for future actions. Web analytics enables you to get an idea of such things as the kind of people who visit your website.
Online Analytics
Count of the times a specific visitor loads a page of your site. If this is high, then that visitor has a specific interest in what your site has to offer
the number of time a website has been loaded in a browser in a particular time period. If this number is high but the time on page is low, then something is wrong with your site.
Page Views
this tracks the number of terminated visits after a least one page loads.
Bounce rate
how long a visitor stays on one page on a site before moving on to another page of the same site.
Time on Page (ToP)
simply the number of pageviews divided by the number of visits to a website. Gives the average time of a visit in terms of content consumption.
View/Visit Ratio (VVR)