Lesson 5—Use macOS Recovery Flashcards
Which utilities are available when you start up from macOS Recovery?
macOS Recovery gives you access to Restore from Time Machine Backup, Install/Reinstall macOS, Get
Help Online through Safari, Disk Utility, Startup Disk, Firmware Password Utility, Network Utility,
Terminal, and Reset Password.
What are the different macOS Recovery options and start up key combinations?
macOS Recovery installs different versions of macOS depending on the start up key combination you
a. Command-R—Install the latest macOS that was installed.
b. Option-Command-R—Upgrade to the latest macOS that is compatible with your Mac.
c. Shift-Option-Command-R—Install the macOS that came with your Mac.
How can you create an external macOS installation disk?
You can create a macOS Recovery disk that includes the macOS High Sierra tools and installation
assets with the createinstallmedia command-line tool in macOS Installer.