Lesson 5: The Scientific Revolution Flashcards
The Greeks called Science
Scientia means
Propagated the Geocentric Theory
Claudius Ptolemy
Propagated the Heliocentric Theory
Nicolaus Copernicus
Improved the telescope for
Galileo Galilei
Catalog more than 1,000 stars, Comet is a representation of change in space
Tycho Brahe
Proposed that the orbits of the planets were regular ellipses, not irregular circles.
Johannes Kepler
Proposed the Three Laws of
Isaac Newton
“The Body Snatcher”
Andreas Vesalius
Discovered the world of
single-celled organisms
through a microscope
Anton Van
Supported Democracy
John Locke
Supported the Monarchy
Thomas Hobbes
Emphasized the checks and balance of the Three Branches of the Government
Baron de Montesquieu
Coined “I think, Therefore, I ‘am”
Rene Descartes
Propagated “Pantheism”, All is God and God is All
Baruch Spinoza
Wrote “Candide” and Criticized the inadequacy of optimistic
Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire)
“God is the necessary being” which
constitutes the sufficient explanation of the universe
Wilhelm Von Leibnitz
Believed man learns more through
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Published “Tableau économique” and Believed that the wealth of a nation is based from the value of “land agriculture”
Francois Quesnay
Believed in the let alone
policy or the “Laissez Faire”
Adam Smith
Father of Modern Anthropology
Franz Boas
Father of Sociology
Auguste Comte