Lesson 5-How did the Communists seek to destroy the practice of religion? Flashcards
What did Article 5 of the Common Program of China say?
There will be freedom of religion.
[QUOTE] What did Karl Marx say about religion in his Communist manifesto?
‘Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.’
Reunification Campaign
Attempt from 1949 to bring all Chinese territories on the outskirts into Communist control
Tibetan denomination of Buddhism
Chinese philosopher born in 551 BC
Traditions of ethics, family loyalty and respect for the government drawn from the work of Confucius.
Anti-Confucius campaign.
Campaign against Confucianism.
What was it seen as to be supporting Confucianism?
Was seen as the old way of thinking and not being committed to Communist ideology.
What is Ancestor Worship?
Act of returning to the graves of ancestors to honour them during the Qingming festival
What did the Patriotic Church Movement create?
New Communist churches which were totally under the control of the government
What was hung in the new Communist churches?
Portraits of Mao