Lesson 5 Flashcards
What is a microcosm?
A microcosm is a miniature world or something that represents something else on a very small scale
What is a microbe?
A microbe is a very small organism, usually disease-causing
What does minuscule mean
It means to be very small
What is a minutia?
A minutia is a small detail.
What does it mean to attenuate?
It means to make slender or small.
What does it mean to be tenuous?
It means to be thin in form, flimsy, or having little substance or validity.
What does satiate mean?
It means to satisfy and gratify to excess.
What does it mean to comply?
It means to do as one is asked or ordered.
What is an implement?
It’s a tool or utensil.
What does it mean to be replete?
It means to be well-stocked, abundantly supplied, or completely filled.
What is an expletive?
It’s an exclamation, often obscene.