Lesson 5 Flashcards
What is the focus of contemporary literature in our region?
Modern issues such as political and mental issues, and global themes.
How does contemporary literature differ from traditional literature?
Contemporary literature addresses modern issues, while traditional literature focuses on beliefs and traditions.
What is the structure of contemporary literature?
Non-linear or fragmented
What is the structure of traditional literature?
She is a fiction writer, columnist, editor, and former TV and radio personality.
Jessica Zafra
What notable award did Jessica Zafra win?
Carlos Palancan award
What themes are often found in Jessica Zafra’s works?
address current events with irony and cynicism
What is the title of Jessica Zafra’s work that won the Carlos Palanca Award?
What significant life event does the main character Wilma experience in the story?
Had 4 abortions
His character represents a typical Filipino who easily believes in societal norms.
What are the two types of conflict mentioned in Portents?
Man vs Man
Man vs Society
What is the main point of view used in the stories discussed?
1st person pov
What themes are explored in the literature discussed?
social norms, social issues, and beliefs.
He made the animation “Trese”
Budjette Tan