Lesson 5 Flashcards
The people who did not believe in the resurrection of the dead and persecuted the church were:
The Sadducees
Who gave the most opposition to Jesus?
The Pharisees
With healing and salvation, the name of Jesus is:
Peter and John went into the Temple at the hour of (blank)
How old was the man who was healed at the Gate Beautiful?
Above 40 years
At what time of day was the man at the Beautiful Gate healed?
The ninth hour (3 pm)
What other event happened at that time (the ninth hour) of day?
Jesus died
What was the lame man hoping for when he was healed?
Some money
T or F
The miraculous does not necessarily mean authenticity
The word “name” referring to Jesus is found how many times in the Book of Acts?
T or F
The gift of healing has stopped
T or F
Evangelism was the focus of the church
T or F
Jesus can heal people regardless of their lack of faith (Mark 9:14–29)
T or F
The devil cannot take advantage of the gullible, simple–minded, and the naive
T or F
The lame man was one among many that was healed in Jerusalem that day