Lesson 4.1 Flashcards
It is the ability to decode, analyze and evaluate the informatikn and even create them in various formats
Media Literacy
6 Fundamental Elements of Media Literacy
- Awareness of the impact of media
- Understanding of process of mass communication
- Strategies for analyzing and discussing media messages
- Understanding media content for culture and our lives
- Understand and appreciate media content
- Understanding of the ethical and moral obligations of media practitioners
A form of thinking in which we evaluate an information apart from its literally definition.
Critical thinking
A type of reasoning in which the excuse is supported by insufficient and patheic evidences and statements
10 examples of fallacies
- Ad Hominem
- Strawman
- Loaded Question
- Begging the Question
- Black or White
- Slippery Slope
- Burden of Proof
- Composition / Division
- Bandwagon
- Appeal to Emotion
A falalcy that uses an attack to the person’s character not the statemeent
Ad Hominem
A fallacy that uses an attack on a certain phrase of a statement to make it easire to argue
A fallacy that uses a thought provoking question where answers might contained guilt
Loaded Questikn
A fallacy that uses a circular argument in the statement
Begging the Question
A fallacy that uses two different choice that makes it to be limited but isn’t
Black or White
A fallacy that refers to arguing that something shouldn’t haooend because of B, C, and D to be happened
Slippery Slope
A fallacy that uses soemone to prove that his/her premise is true
Burden of Proof
A fallacy that states that this thing is kust like the same with others and vice versa
Composition / Division
A fallacy that uses emotion to make it appealing to others
Appeal to Emotion
Six Key Concepts in Media Analysis
- All media messahes are constrcuted
- Each medium has different strebgths and a unique, “language” of construction
- Media messages are produced for a particular purposes
- All media messages co tain embedded values and points of view
- People use their invidual skills and beleifs to construct their own meaning from media messages
- Media messages can influence beliefs, attitudes, by behavios and democrstic process