Lesson 4 - understand the control of the environment in protected structures Flashcards
List the factors that affect light levels in protected structures
Shape of the structure
Site factors
Type and condition of cladding material
Describe how the shape of the structure affects light levels
Angle of incidence - if it is less the 40 deg, most of the light is transmitted through the glass, if it is more, mos the light is reflected causing light loss.
Dutch light greenhouses are more effective at receiving light in winter months than standard greenhouse.
Describe how site factors affect light levels
Describe how orientation affects light levels
In autumn to spring, most light comes from a southerly direction.
Preferred orientation for a single span greenhouse is eat to west (door in eastern or western end)
Commercial venlo greenhouses should run North to South.
Describe how the type and condition of cladding materials affect light levels
New, scratched, dirty, screened/painted with shading compound all affect how much light transmits. Glass allows the most light through. Condensation reduces light transmission. Old polythene and polycarbonate plastic discolours as it ages and reduces light transmission.
Describe how the temperature can be maintained in structures
Heating by gas, oil or electricity
Heat distribution using circulating water and air
Cooling by forced or natural ventilation
Heating and Ventilating systems can be triggered by thermostats.
Evaporation - use of damping down in summer to reduce temperature.
Shield thermometers from direct sunlight to get an accurate reading.
How cost effective are different types of heaters for greenhouses?
Electrical heaters operate at close to 100% efficiency but the cost of power is high at the moment. However it is effective for frost protection for seedling in spring.
Parafin heaters are cheaper to fuel, but need refuelling often. They also create water when burning which is not good for the plants in winter.
Commercial greenhouses use hot water or steam pipes to heat the air.
Soil warming mats and cables are a cheap way of heating small spaces.
How can you change the relative humidity in a protected environment
Damping down
Temperature changes
What is meant by damping down
Wetting the surfaces of the heated structure with cold water.
Describe patterns of ventilation in a structure which will help adjust the relative humidity
The use of a forced draught or fan ventilation and natural ventilation systems
Describe how change in temperature affect relative humidity which in turn affect water and nutrient uptake
Most plants have a preferred relative humidity level. The higher the temperature, the higher the relative humidity can be. The higher the humidity, the slower the transpiration rate. If the relative humidity is too high or low, transpiration and nutrient uptake will stop completely.
Describe manual and automated methods of irrigation
Watering cans
Hose pipes
Capillary Bench - deep bench lined with heavy plastic sheeting and then filled with 5-8cm of washed sand. The sand is kept moist through the use of a tank of water that continually resupplies the water. Pots placed on top must have holes at the bottom and that the compost in the pot comes into contact with the sand.
Capillary Mat - Synthetic material that is placed over a heavy plastic sheet. The moist mat is covered with thin black polythene sheeting which has fine perforations. Mat is kept continually moist.
Drip systems - a series of pipes and finer tubes and nozzles supply water to the surface of each container/ They can be turned on and off or run constantly on a trickle feed.
What are the benefits and limitations of overhead watering
Water on the leaves can cause fungal infections. Easy to overwater the plants. However, compost can dry out completely within waterings.
What are the benefits and limitations of watering from below
Foliage remains dry, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. The risk of overwatering is greatly reduced. However, the plants need monitoring to check they are not drying out and are receiving the correct amount of water.
What is the most effective way of watering container grown crops
Overhead irrigation systems are often used by commercial greenhouses as they are flexible and allow plant arrangement and spacing to be altered easily without affecting performance of the watering equiptment. However, a lot of water can be lost.
What is the most effective way of watering crops grown in the border soil
A soak hose is effective.
Describe how light levels can be manipulated by the use of supplementary lighting and shading
The use of removable blinds and white shading paints to avoid overheating in protected environments.
Supplementary lighting to extend the growing season
The use of artificial light/dark periods to prepare poinsettia crops
State what is meant by cultural controls for pests and diseases
Modifying the environment to reduce pests and diseases. This includes having good garden hygiene, cleaning the greenhouse at least once a year, cleaning pots and trays between uses, isolate new plants, monitor plants for pests and diseases.
State what is meant by biological controls for pests and diseases
The introduction of a natural predator to the greenhouse to combat the pest.
Describe the use of cultural controls to limit 2 pests or diseases
Cleaning the greenhouse, in particular the frame, to reduce the red spire mite. Cleaning pots and trays before use with disinfectant to prevent damping off.
Give 2 examples go how biological controls are used to limit 2 pests of diseases (latin names for biological controls are not required)
Predatory mite can control the glasshouse red spider mite. Ladybirds can be introduced to control aphids.
State the advantages. that cultural and biological control have over chemical control methods
Chemical controls may harm beneficial insects. Chemical controls expose the user to possible hazardous chemicals. Chemical controls often are difficult to dispose of in an environmentally friendly way. Spillage of chemical controls, or them getting into water systems, is an environmental hazard.
what is passive ventilation
Opening vents to allow air to move
what is active ventilation
Use of exhaust or extraction fan to move air across the house. Vents are placed in the sides of the greenhouse structure and into one is placed an extraction fan that pulls air out of the greenhouse, while a vent opposite to this fan is opened to permit air to enter the greenhouse.
How can you maintain the temperature of a heated structure cheaply?
Insulate the coldest wall of the greenhouse, generally the north wall. Bubble polythene is good for this. Horticultural fleece can be placed over plants at night time.
Reduce air leakage by repairing any breaks in the cladding and checking door and window fittings.
Create shelter for the greenhouse, such as a windbreak on the north end of the greenhouse. Paraweb or living plants an be used.