Lesson 4: Overview of Health Informatics Flashcards
Kinds of Informatics
- Biomedical
- Healthcare
- Medical
- Nursing
- intersection of information, computer sciences, and health care
- deals with the resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, and retrieval, and the use of information in health
Health Informatics
include not only computers but also clinical guidlines, formal medical terminologies, and information and computer science and technology to public health practice, researching, and learning
Health Informatics Tool
Provides leadership in the application of information and computer science and technology to public heslth practice, research, and learning
CDC’s National Center for Public Health Informatics (NCPHI)
- health care services provided electronically via the internet
- a broad term for healthcare practice which is supported by electronic processes and communication
- the term can encompassba range of services that are at the edge of medicine or healthcare and information technology
- mobile health
- uses mobile technologists
- mobile phones to collect and access health information
- data comes from individual people
capture of data while taking care to prescribe for quality, includes accurate, reliable, and complete data
to see data to be retrieve (retrieval)
manage and storage data properly
data need to be manipulated in some way, combined with other data
data be easily understood and applicable
Creation of New technology 3 ways
- Build or Make
- Buy Software
- Modify
long expensive process not guaranteed to succeed
build or make software
may not be exact fit to your needs
buy software
- start with open source siftware that you can modify
- modified software to meet your exact requirements
- everyone benefits from your investment in the software
modify software