Lesson 4&5 Flashcards
A collection of individuals who have relation with one another that make them interdependent to some significant degree
Social Group
It is a necessary condition that exists within social groups because it is that enables its members to pursue shared goals or promote common values and principles
A collection of people within a particular place and time
Small, intimate, and less specialized group whose members engage in face to face and emotion based interactions over an extended period of time
Primary Groups
Larger, less intimate and more specialized groups where members engage in an impersonal and objective
Oriented relationship for a limited time
Secondary groups
It proposes that people’s appreciation of their group membership is influenced by their perception towards people who are not members of their group
Self categorized theory
Is a group which one belongs and with which one feels a sense of identity
Is a group which one does not belong and to which he or she may feel a sense of competitiveness or hostility
Is a group which an individual compares himself or herself to
Reference Groups
Refers to the structure of relationships between social actors or groups
Networks are exclusive, limited and mostly defined by kinship (biologically)
Traditional societies
Redefined the “safe and secure” arrangement provided by traditional networks by allowing the individual to become part of a more expanded and cosmopolitan network with overlapping circles of social interaction
Modern societies
➢Refers to the process
whereby organisms undergo
various genetic and physical
changes that pave the way
for biological diversity.
Biological Evolution
▪People learned how to
create tools and
equipment for daily tasks
and live together as a
Technological Evolution
▪The mutual interactive
evolution of human
biology and culture.
Biocultural Evolution
Lowest stage of development which exemplified
by the nomadic and hunter-gatherer lifestyle.
Savage Stage