lesson 4 Flashcards
These are essential modes and methods of entering data that, once mastered, allow
you to create measured drawings with ease.
Drawing aids
Drafting Aids
- Limits
- Layers
- Dimensioning
- Object Snap
- Object Snap Modes
- Zoom
These are used to set the boundaries of the drawing. The drawing boundaries are usually set to match the size of a sheet of drawing paper. This means that when the drawing is plotted and a hard copy is made, it will fit on the drawing paper.
Drawing limits/limits
This is like a clear piece of paper that can be laid directly over the drawing.
These are used to control the visibility of objects and to assign properties such
as color and linetype.
These can be made invisible, and information can be transferred between them.
Horizontal, vertical, aligned, and radial dimensions can be created with the ______ command. The type of dimension depends on the object that is selected and
the direction of dimension line.
These help establish and enforce drafting standards.
Dimension styles
The default dimension style is named either _____________ or ___________. It is assigned to all dimensions until you set another style as the current dimension style.
Standard (imperial) or ISO-25 (metric)
This provides a way to specify precise locations on objects whenever you are prompted for a point within a command.
Object snap
Object Snap Modes
Apparent Intersection
Select All
Clear All
Snaps to the midpoint of an arc, ellipse, elliptical arc, line, multiline, polyline,
segment, region, solid, spline or xline.
Object Snap Mode: Midpoint
Snaps to the center of an arc, circle, ellipse, or elliptical arc.
Object Snap Mode: Center
Snaps to a point object, dimension definition point, or dimension text origin.
Object Snap Mode: Node
Snaps to a quadrant point of an arc, circle, ellipse, or elliptical arc.
Object Snap Mode: Quadrant
Snaps to the intersection of an arc, circle, ellipse, line, multiline, polyline, spline,
or xline and other geometrical objects. ellipse, elliptical arc, line, multiline,
polyline segment, Extended intersections are not available as a running object
Object Snap Mode: Intersection
It causes a temporary extension line or arc to be displayed when the cursor is passed over the endpoint of objects, so that points can be specified on the extension.
Object Snap Mode: Extension
Snaps to the insertion point of an attribute, a block, a shape, or text
Object Snap Mode: Insertion
Snaps to a point perpendicular to the selected geometric object.
Object Snap Mode: Perpendicular
This is automatically turned on when the object you are drawing requires that more than one perpendicular snap can be completed. An object such as a line, arc, circle, polyline, ray, xline, multiline, or 3D solid edge as an object from which to draw a perpendicular line can be used.
Deferred Perpendicular snap mode
Snaps to the tangent of an arc, circle, ellipse, elliptical arc, polyline arc, or spline.
Object Snap Mode: Tangent
This is automatically turned on when the object that is being drawn requires and complete more than one tangent snap. It can be used to draw a line or xline that is tangent to arcs, polyline arcs, or circles.
Deferred Tangent snap mode
Snaps to the visual intersection of two objects that do not intersect in 3D space
but may appear to intersect in the current view.
Object Snap Mode: Apparent Intersection
Snaps to the nearest point on an arc, circle, ellipse, elliptical arc, line, multiline,
point, polyline, ray, spline or xline.
Object Snap Mode: Nearest
Constraints a line segment, polyline segment ray or xline to be parallel to another linear object.
Object Snap Mode: Parallel
Turns on all running object snap modes.
Object Snap Mode: Select All
Turns off all running object snap modes.
Object Snap Mode: Clear All
The zoom flyout of standard tool bars has nine icons to opt:
a) Zoom window
b) Zoom all
c) Zoom dynamic
d) Zoom scale
e) Zoom center
f) Zoom Object
g) Real Time
h) Zoom extends
i) Zoom Previous
This command enlarges a rectangular area of a drawing based on a defined window using the cross hair.
Zoom window
This command displays the are of the drawing limits or extent whichever are greater.
Zoom all
Pans and zooms using a rectangular view box.
Zoom dynamic
Zooms to change the magnification of a view using a scale factor.
Zoom scale
Zooms to display a view defined by a center point and a magnification value or a height.
Zoom center
Zooms to display one or more selected objects as large as possible and in the center of the view.
Zoom object
Zooms interactively to change the magnification of the view.
Real time
Zooms to display the maximum extents of all objects.
Zoom extends
Zooms to display the previous view. You can restore up to 10 previous views.
Zoom previous
The zoom flyout of standard tool bars has nine icons to opt and out of these ___________ and _________ command are more useful.
Zoom window, Zoom all