Lesson 31: Unit 5 Review Flashcards
What is the English meaning for the Hymenoptera order?
Hymenoptera has what kind of metamorphosis?
The sting of some hook-wing insects is like a what?
The little hairy groove on a honeybee’s leg that is used to carry pollen is called what?
the way pollen is moved from one plant to another
Mosquitoes can carry ____ and yellow fever.
dengue fever
What is the best natural controller of mosquitoes?
The Hymenoptera order includes insects like what?
paper wasp, yellow jacket, hornet, carpenter ant, fire ant, honeybee, and bumblebee
Insects in the Hymenoptera order are characterized by what?
slender waists and stinger
Helpful insects do what?
pollinate plants, decompose dead things, control pests, and make goods
Other insects in this order include what?
saw fly, mud dauber, bulldog ant, and sweat bee
Name the insect and its order.
Bumblebee; Hymenoptera
Name the insect and its order.
Carpenter Ant; Hymenoptera
Name the insect and its order.
Drone Bee
Name the insect and its order.
Fire Ant; Hymenoptera