Lesson 3: Types of Media Flashcards
Involves the usage of physical medium such as paper and is printed and distributed by a publishing company
Print media
What are the advantages of print media?
• Present static messages
• timeliness of content
• Broad reach
What are disadvantages of print media?
not as deep reach as tv or radio
publication depends on the whim of the editor
limited audience segmentation
Creative constraints/ poor reproductions
Cluttered environment, Short life
Cannot produce breaking and urgent news
This type of media transmits information immediately to the widest possible audience. It comes in two forms: radio and television broadcasting.
Broadcast Media
Advantages of Radio
- urgent and important news can easily be spread
- local market radio is one of the most powerful media communications
- anyone can bring radio anytime, anywhere through their mobile devices
- radio production is easier and faster than the other news media platform
- it is great for spreading simple messages
- it can help in generating interests awareness and excitement among audiences
Disadvantages of Radio
- Radio program are not always on at convenient times
- It doesn’t provide visual communication
- Creative limitations among radio producers are an issue
- everyone can easily change the channel
It is widely used for entertainment and knowledge for communication. It plays an important role in educating people about corruption going on in the social and political world.
Disadvantages of Television
- Poor geographic selectivity
- Not everyone has television
- No room for interaction.
- It can affect the audience’s physical, emotional, and mental health.
Is the type of media that uses the newest means of communication digital technology
Online Media
Refers to online media that are used to create and maintain personal relationship
Refers to digital games
Interactive Play media
Refers to online media that are used to store and retrieve information
Information Search Media
Refers to online media that centers on creating sharing exchanging information ideas and content in online networks and communities
Collective Participatory Media