Lesson 3: The Rise of Progressivism Flashcards
Boss William Tweed (1823–1878) Definition
an infamous political boss who stole millions of dollars from New York City
Chester A. Arthur (1829–1886) Definition
the twenty-first president of the United States, who worked to reform the spoils system
Civil Service Definition
all government jobs except elected offices and those in the military
Civil Service Commission Definition
a government agency created by the Pendleton Act of 1883 to fill federal jobs on the basis of merit
Gilded Age Definition
period in American history lasting from the 1870s to the 1890s marked by political corruption and extravagant spending
Graduated Income Tax Definition
a tax on earnings that charges higher rates for higher income levels
Initiative Definition
a process by which voters can put a bill directly before the state legislature
Interstate Commerce Definition
business that crosses state lines
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Definition
a government agency organized to oversee railroad commerce
Merit Definition
ability, achievement, or worthiness
Muckraker Definition
a journalist who exposed corruption and bad business practices in the late 1800s and early 1900s
Patronage Definition
the practice of awarding government jobs to political supporters
Political Boss Definition
a powerful politician who controls government, trades favors for support, and demands payoffs from businesses
Primary Definition
an election in which voters choose their party’s candidate for the general election
Progressive Definition
a reformer in the late 1800s and early 1900s who wanted to improve American life
Public Interest Definition
the good of the people
Recall Definition
a process by which voters can remove an elected official from office
Referendum Definition
a process by which people vote directly on a bill
Sherman Antitrust Act Definition
an 1890 law that banned the formation of trusts and monopolies in the United States
Wisconsin Idea Definition
a series of Progressive reforms introduced in the early 1900s by Wisconsin governor Robert La Follette
How was the term “The Gilded Age” coined?
The Gilded Age of the late 1800s got its name from an 1873 novel by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner titled The Gilded Age. Gilded means coated with a thin layer of gold paint. It implies falseness beneath surface glitter. For many Americans, the novel, which poked fun at the era’s greed and political corruption, captured the spirit of the time. In the words of one observer, it was government “of, by, and for the rich.”
How long did the Gilded Age last? What two parties shared political power in the Gilded Age? During this period, who had more power: the president or Congress?
The Gilded Age lasted from the 1870s through the 1890s. During this time, reformers struggled to clean up political corruption. Political power in the Gilded Age was split between the two major parties. Usually, the North and West voted Republican, and the South voted Democratic. Neither party controlled Congress for more than a term or two, although Republicans held the White House for nearly 25 years. However, Presidents generally had less power than Congress during the period.
During the Gilded Age, how did elections provide great entertainment to Americans?
For Americans of the Gilded Age, elections provided great entertainment. Campaigns featured brass bands, torchlight parades, picnics, and long speeches. Americans marched, ate, drank, and listened. The turnout of voters was never again as high—almost 80 percent of eligible voters.
What were the two main concerns that shaped politics during the Gilded Age?
Two concerns shaped politics. Many Americans worried about the power of the rich. They feared that bankers, industrialists, and other wealthy men were controlling politics at the expense of the public good. The other worry was corruption, especially bribery and voter fraud. Reformers blamed much of the problem on the spoils system, the practice of rewarding political supporters with government jobs.
How did city governments become so corrupt?
As cities grew, they needed to expand services such as sewers, garbage collection, and roads. Often, politicians accepted money to give away these jobs. As a result, bribes and corruption became a way of life.
Who were Political Bosses? Why were they popular with the poor and immigrants?
Powerful politicians called political bosses gained power in many cities. Political bosses also ruled county and state governments. Bosses controlled work done locally and demanded payoffs from businesses. City bosses were popular with the poor, especially with immigrants. They provided jobs and made loans to the needy. They handed out extra coal for heating in winter and turkeys at Thanksgiving. In exchange, the poor voted for the boss or his chosen candidate.
In New York City, how did Boss William Tweed exhibit corruption at an outrageous extent? How did journalists, such as cartoonist Thomas Nast, contribute in spreading news of his wrongdoing? When did Tweed pass away in jail?
In New York City, Boss William Tweed carried corruption to new extremes. During the 1860s and 1870s, he cheated the city out of more than $100 million. Journalists exposed Boss Tweed’s wrongdoing. For example, cartoonist Thomas Nast pictured Tweed as a vulture feeding on the city. Nast’s cartoons especially angered Tweed. His supporters might not be able to read, he said, but they could understand Nast’s cartoons. Faced with prison, Tweed fled to Spain. There, local police arrested him when they recognized him from Nast’s cartoons. When Tweed died in jail in 1878, thousands of poor New Yorkers mourned for him.
How did the spoils system and patronage lead to curruption?
The spoils system had grown since the days of Andrew Jackson. When a new President took office, job seekers swarmed into Washington. They demanded government jobs as rewards for their political support. Giving jobs to followers is called patronage. Patronage often led to corruption. Some jobholders simply stole public money. Others had no skills for the jobs they were given. In New York, for example, one man was made court reporter even though he could neither read nor write.
How did President Rutherford B. Hayes attempt to combat the spoils system and corruption in 1877?
Calls for reform slowly brought change. In 1877, President Rutherford B. Hayes took steps toward ending the spoils system. He ordered an investigation of the New York customhouse. There, investigators found hundreds of appointed officials receiving high salaries but doing no work. Despite the protests of local Republican leaders, Hayes dismissed two customhouse officials.
In 1881, why did President James Garfield turn down office seekers, combating the spoils system? What did he believe about government jobs? What did President James Garfield’s assassination spark?
In 1881, James Garfield entered the White House and was soon swamped with office seekers. He thought that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit, or ability, not politics. That July, however, a disappointed office seeker, Charles Guiteau (gee TOH), shot the President. Garfield died two months later. The assassination sparked new efforts to end the spoils system.
Despite President Chester A. Arthur’s past with the spoils system, what was he doing to end it?
Vice President Chester A. Arthur succeeded Garfield. Arthur was a product of the spoils system. In fact, he was one of the New York customhouse officials dismissed by Hayes a few years earlier! Yet, as President, Arthur worked with Congress to reform the spoils system.
What was the Pendleton Act of 1883, passed during the presidency of President Chester A. Arthur? How did it create the Civil Service Commission? What did the Civil Service Commission do? By 1900, what was the percentage of jobs controlled by the Civil Service Commission?
In 1883, Congress passed the Pendleton Act. It created the Civil Service Commission to conduct exams for federal jobs. The civil service includes all federal jobs except elected offices and the military. The aim of the Civil Service Commission was to fill jobs on the basis of merit. People who scored highest on the civil service exams earned the posts. At first, the Civil Service Commission controlled only a few federal jobs. However, under pressure from reformers, later Presidents placed more jobs under the Civil Service Commission. By 1900, the commission controlled about 40 percent of all federal jobs.
What ways did cities encourage good government practices?
In many cities, reformers set up good-government leagues. Their goal was to replace corrupt officials with honest leaders. The leagues had some successes. In Minneapolis, a corrupt mayor was indicted. Cleveland reformers helped elect Tom Johnson mayor. Johnson gave out contracts honestly, improved garbage and sewerage systems, and set up services for the poor.
In 1877, how did Collis Huntington, builder of the Central Pacific Railroad, exhibit an act of corruption?
In 1877, Collis Huntington, builder of the Central Pacific Railroad, tried to bribe members of Congress to kill a railroad bill that would be unfavorable to his interests. He gave large amounts of money to members of Congress. “It costs money to fix things,” Huntington explained.
In what ways was the government making strides to regulate large businesses? What was the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, signed by president Grover Cleveland? What did it state? What is the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)? How did it eventually gain power?
The behavior of men like Huntington convinced many Americans that big businesses controlled the government. They demanded that something be done to limit the power of big business. In response, the government began to regulate railroads and other large businesses. Under the Constitution, the federal government had the power to regulate interstate commerce, or business that crossed state lines. In 1887, President Grover Cleveland signed the Interstate Commerce Act. It forbade practices such as pools and rebates. It also set up the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to oversee the railroads. At first, the ICC was weak. In court challenges, most judges ruled in favor of the railroads. Still, Congress had shown that it was ready to regulate big business. Later, Congress passed laws that made the ICC more effective.
How did the government try to enforce competition? What was the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, signed by President Benjamin Harrison? How did judges make it hard to enforce?
In 1888, President Cleveland lost his bid for reelection. Benjamin Harrison became President. In 1890, Harrison signed the Sherman Antitrust Act. The act prohibited businesses from trying to limit or destroy competition. The Sherman Antitrust Act sounded strong, but enforcing it proved difficult. At first, judges ruled in favor of trusts. They held that the law was an illegal attempt by the government to control private property.
How was the Sherman Antitrust Act used against labor unions, defeating its purpose? When did this change?
Instead of regulating trusts, the Sherman Antitrust Act was often used against labor unions. The courts said union strikes blocked free trade and thus threatened competition. Later on, as the reform spirit spread, the courts began to use the Antitrust Act against monopolies.
How did muckrakers, such as Jacob Riis and Ida Tarbell, use the press to turn public opinion against corruption?
Reformers used the press to turn public opinion against corruption. Newspaper reporters described how corruption led to inadequate fire and police protection and poor sanitation services. Jacob Riis (reess), a photographer and writer, provided shocking images of slum life. Crusading journalists like Riis became known as muckrakers. People said they raked the dirt, or muck, and exposed it to public view. One muckraker, Ida Tarbell, targeted the unfair practices of big business. Her articles about the Standard Oil Company led to demands for more controls on trusts.
What did Upton Sinclair’s 1906 novel “The Jungle” reveal about the meatpacking industry? What was the Pure Food and Drug and Meat Inspection Act, passed in response to the novel?
In 1906, Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle shocked the nation. Although the book was fiction, it was based on facts. It revealed grisly details about the meatpacking industry, including descriptions of the horrid working conditions and the unsanitary practices in the plants. Sinclair told how the packers used meat from sick animals. He described how rats often got ground up in the meat, which was then dyed to make it seem healthy. He explained just how little thought was given to the health of the consumer.
There was never the least attention paid to what was cut up for sausage; there would come all the way back from Europe old sausage that had been rejected, and that was moldy and white—it would be dosed with borax and glycerin, and … made over again for home consumption.
—Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, 1906
Sinclair claimed that his purpose in writing The Jungle was to alert the public to the unfit working conditions of meatpackers. However, the public outrage focused on the contaminated food they were unknowingly being fed. Soon after the novel’s publication, the federal government passed the Pure Food and Drug and Meat Inspection Act. Sinclair’s writing did impact reform.
What was the influence of Lincoln Steffens, who published with McClure’s Magazine, as a muckraker? How did muckrakers change the public opinion on government, especially in the middle class?
As magazines became affordable, muckrakers began publishing in them to reach a wider middle-class audience. McClure’s Magazine was a popular forum for crusading journalists. Lincoln Steffens, who published with McClure’s Magazine, eventually gathered his articles in a book about the political corruption that plagued cities across the nation.
The [political bosses] control the whole process of voting, and practice fraud at every stage. The assessor’s list is the voting list, and the assessor is the [boss’s] man…. The assessor pads the list with the names of dead dogs, children, and non-existent persons.
—Lincoln Steffens, The Shame of the Cities, 1904
Muckrakers helped change public opinion. For years, middle-class Americans had ignored the need for reform. When they saw how dishonest politicians and businesses corrupted the nation—and even the food they ate—they, too, demanded change.
True or False: Lillian Wald was a leading Progressive. She was a nurse who established a settlement house to assist struggling immigrant families.
What period is known as the Progressive Era (1898-1917)? How was this term coined?
By 1900, reformers were calling themselves Progressives. By that, they meant that they were forward-thinking people who wanted to improve American life. Progressives won many changes during the period from 1898 to 1917. As a result, this period is called the Progressive Era.
How were the Progressives united, despite not being a single group with single goal? What did progressives want governments to do?
Progressives were never a single group with a single goal. Instead, they came from many backgrounds and backed different causes. They were united by a belief that the ills of society could be solved. Progressives wanted the government to act in the public interest, for the good of the people.
How did science and religion inspire Progressives?
Both religion and science inspired Progressives. The Social Gospel movement of the late 1800s stressed the duty of Christians to improve society. At the same time, Progressives used scientific studies and statistics to find ways to solve society’s problems.
How did John Dewey portray the Progressive value of education?
Progressives valued education. John Dewey, a Progressive educator, wanted schools to promote reform. Schools must teach democratic values by example, he argued. He therefore urged students to ask questions and to work together to solve problems.
How did Robert La Follette prove to be a leading Progressive? What was the Wisconsin Idea, derived from his various Progressive reforms? How did his lowering of railroad rates benefit railroad owners and customers?
Among the leading Progressives was Robert La Follette of Wisconsin. “The will of the people shall be the law of the land,” was his motto. As governor of Wisconsin, La Follette introduced various Progressive reforms that became known as the Wisconsin Idea. For example, he lowered railroad rates. The result was increased rail traffic, which helped both railroad owners and customers.
What were the Progressive reforms of primaries, initiatives, referendums, and recalls?
Progressives like La Follette wanted voters to participate more directly in government. Since Andrew Jackson’s time, party leaders had picked candidates for local and state offices. Progressives called, instead, for primaries. In a primary, voters choose their party’s candidate for the general election. In 1903, Wisconsin was the first state to adopt a primary run by state government officials. By 1917, all but four states had done so.
Other reforms gave voters more power. They included the initiative, which gave voters the right to put a bill before a state legislature. A certain number of qualified voters must sign initiative petitions to propose a law. The referendum allowed voters to put a bill on the ballot and vote it into law. The recall allowed voters to remove an elected official from office. That reform let voters get rid of corrupt officials. Progressives from other states visited Wisconsin to study La Follette’s reforms. A number of states elected Progressive governors eager for reforms.
Why did Progressives want to lower tariffs on imported goods?
Progressives fought for other changes, too. They favored lowering tariffs on imported goods. If American industry had to compete against foreign imports, they argued, consumers would benefit from lower prices.
What were some Progressive reforms made to the Constitution?
Some reforms led to changes in the U.S. Constitution. Many reformers backed a graduated income tax, which taxes people at different rates. The wealthy pay taxes at a higher rate than the poor or the middle class. Because the Supreme Court had held that a federal income tax was unconstitutional, Progressives campaigned for a Sixteenth Amendment. It gave Congress the power to pass an income tax. By 1913, the states had ratified the amendment. The states approved another amendment in 1913. Since 1789, state legislatures had elected senators. Powerful interest groups had sometimes bribed lawmakers to vote for certain candidates. Progressives wanted to end such abuses by having voters elect senators directly. In 1912, Congress approved the Seventeenth Amendment, which allowed for the direct election of senators. It was ratified a year later.