Lesson 3: Specific herbs for the female reproductive system Flashcards
Summerise the anatomical parts and hormones of the HPO axis.
- Hypothalamus (GnRH) - Anterior Pituitary - Ovaries Hormones include: - FSH - LH - Oestradiol - Progesterone
What are Emmenagogues?
Emmenagogues are known as uterine stimulants
Emmenagogues can manage conditions with which symptoms?
- Excessive bleeding associated with poor uterine 2. Heavy menstrual flow caused by a lack of tone such as multiple pregnancies 3. Elimination of uterine tissue that may later cause a pelvic infection (after termination of pregnancy)
Name 4 herbs that have an emmenagogue action.
- Blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) 2. Squaw vine (Mitchella repens) 3. Rue (Ruta graveolens) 4. Wormwood(Artemisia spp.)
When are emmenagogues contraindicated?
During pregnancy
What are female tonics?
Female tonics tonify and restore function to female reproductive system.
When are female tonics indicated?
They are indicated for: - low libido, - reduced reproductive function, - poor ovulation, - menstrual cycle irregularities - infertility
Name 1 herb that has a female tonic action?
shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
What are Galactagogues?
Galactagogues improve not only the quantity, but also the quality of breast milk
Name 4 herbs that have a galactagogue action.
- Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) 2. Goat’s rue (Galega officinalis) 3. Chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus) 4. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
What are Uterine spasmolytics?
Slow the rate and intensity of uterine contractions. They also have an effect on the contractions of the bowel and are often used to ease pain caused by excessive muscle contraction and/or ischaemic tissue.
When are uterine spasmolytics indicated?
They are indicated in any condition that needs relief from spasm or excessive uterine activity and the prevention of early labour or miscarriage where this is associated with uterine overactivity.
Name 3 herbs that have a uterine spasmolytic action.
- Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) 2. Black haw (Viburnum prunifolium) 3. Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa)
What are uterine tonics?
Uterine tonics assist with normal uterine functions and normalise uterine actions. They improve the quality of the endometrial lining, increase the tone of the muscular wall and improve the overall strength of the uterus
When are uterine tonics indicated?
Indicated in any condition associated with uterine pain, - for all conditions with abnormal uterine bleeding, - conditions associated with prolapses, - malposition or enlargement of the uterus, - and as a partus preparator or any condition that requires an improvement of the microenvironment of the uterus or endometrium.
How many menstrual cycles should uterine tonics be taken for?
A minimum of 6 cycles
Name 3 herbs with uterine tonic actions.
- Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa) 2. Blue Cohosh ( Caulophyllum thalictroides) 3. False Unicorn Rt (Chamaelirium luteum)
What are Phyto-oestrogens?
Plant-based oestrogens that have the ability to occupy oestrogen receptors, and elicit a weaker response to endogenous or synthetic hormones.
When are phyto-oestrogen herbs indicated?
Particularly useful in the management of menopause and can be used in oestrogen deficiency.
Name 1 phyto-opestrogen herb.
- Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
How many menstrual cycles should phyto-oestrogens be taken for?
Best used for at least 4 to 6 full menstrual cycles (if not yet post menopausal).
When are phyto-oestrogens contraindicated?
Contraindicated in known oestrogen conditions and oestrogen-dependent breast cancer.
What are hormone modulators?
Herbal medicines that can balance various hormones.
How many menstrual cycles should hormone modulators be taken for?
For 4 to 6 menstrual cycles, until the symptoms subside and the cycle is regulated, or until there is a confirmed pregnancy.
Name 4 herbs that hormone modulators.
- Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa) 2. Paeonia (Paeonia lactiflora) 3. Beth root (Trillium erectum) 4. Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
What are Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH) modulators?
- In the follicular phase the follicles in the ovary mature. - This phase, which ends with ovulation, is controlled mainly by oestrogen, which stimulates GnRH (Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone) production and the surge of LH (Luteinizing hormone) at mid-cycle. - If this proliferative phase is too short, immature ova are released. - A follicular phase that is too long (>16 days) will result in poor proliferation and maturation of the follicles, and a possible delay in ovulation.
Name 3 herbs that are FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone) modulators.
- False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) 2. Paeonia (Paeonia lactiflora) 3. Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris)
What are FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone) inhibitors?
High levels of FSH may indicate menopause or declining fertility due to primary ovarian failure.
Name 1 herb that can be used as a FSH inhibitor.
- Bugleweed (Lycopus spp.) Caution: this action of Bugleweed not well detailed in phytotherapy literature. bugleweed as it has a TSH inhibitor action, and concomitant impact on hypothyroid conditions.
What are female hormone balancers?
These herbs assist in regulating menstrual flow by influencing the uterus or the length of the cycle, by affecting hormones associated with the female cycle.
Name 4 herbs that are female hormone balancers.
- Dong quai (Angelica polymorpha) 2. False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) 3. Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) 4. Paeonia (Paeonia lactiflora)
What are Luteal phase modulators?
- The luteal phase is also referred to as the secretory phase - It is the second half of the menstrual cycle: ovulation to the beginning of a menstrual flow - During this phase, the corpus luteum produces progesterone, the hormone that prepares the lining of the uterus for implantation - If there is no fertilisation, a menstrual flow will ensue - The typical length of the luteal phase is 10 to 16 days (14 days average). - A luteal phase defect means that the endometrium will not be able to accept a fertilised ovum, and no pregnancy will result
Name 2 herbs that are Luteal phase modulators.
- Paeonia (Paeonia lactiflora) 2. Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
What are Luteinising hormone stimulants?
- Luteinising hormone (LH) is produced by the anterior pituitary in a surge which triggers ovulation, and initiates the residual follicle to convert into a corpus luteum, which in turn produces progesterone in the last half of the cycle. - If there is no LH surge, ovulation will not be triggered, and fertilisation is impossible.
Name 1 herbs that is a Luteinising hormone stimulant.
- Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
What are Luteinising hormone inhibitors?
Excessive levels of LH may be present in polycystic ovary syndrome due to the number of follicles that attempt to develop. Persistently elevated LH readings may also indicate menopause.
Name 3 herbs that can be used as a Luteinising hormone inhibitor.
- Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa) 2. Hops (Humulus lupulus) 3. Bugleweed (Lycopus spp.) (Caution with its TSH inhibitor action, and concomitant hypothyroid conditions.)
Name 3 herbs used as menstrual cycle regulators.
- False unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) 2. Paeonia (Paeonia lactiflora) 3. Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
What are oestrogen modulators?
- Oestrogen is essential for tissue growth and cell proliferation. - It promotes the development of female characteristics, influences the changes in cervical mucus, and positively influences the endometrial tissue in readiness for implantation. - High levels of oestrogen may indicate oestrogen-dependent conditions.
Name 4 herbs used as oestrogen modulators.
- Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) 2. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa) 3. False Unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) 4. Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa)
What are oestrogen stimulants?
Low levels of oestrogen (E2, or oestradiol) may be indicative of failing ovulatory reserves or menopause. Adequate oestrogen levels are required for fertile cervical fluids.
Name 3 herbs used as oestrogen stimulants.
- False Unicorn root (Chamaelirium luteum) 2. Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa) 3. Paeonia (Paeonia lactiflora)
What are Progesterone stimulators?
Progesterone is the hormone of gestation (pro = for; gesterone = gestation), and adequate levels are needed for the growth of the endometrium, as well as for implantation should conception occur.
Name 1 herb used as a progesterone stimulant.
- Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
What are prolactin stimulants?
- Prolactin is produced by the anterior pituitary gland, and by a range of other sites throughout the body. - It is the hormone that is required to stimulate breast milk production - Lowered levels of prolactin in women are associated with ovarian dysfunction.
Name 1 herb used as a prolactin stimulant.
- Hops (Humulus lupulus)
What are Prolactin inhibitors?
- Elevated prolactin levels will down-regulate oestrogen production. - In females, anovulatory infertility, and a decrease in menstruation, may result. - Increased levels of prolactin are found in stress, prolactinomas, and hypothalamic disorders (associated with amenorrhoea/galactorrhoea syndrome). - Drugs such as phenothiazines, metoclopramide, and oestrogens may also increase LH levels.
Name 2 herbs used as prolactin inhibitors.
- Paeonia (Paeonia lactiflora) 2. Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
What are testosterone stimulants?
- Testosterone is essential at adequate levels in the female contributes to motivation, assertiveness, and a sense of well being. - It also ensures a healthy sex drive.
Name 4 herbs used as testosterone stimulants.
- Oats (Avena sativa) seed 2. Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) 3. Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) 4. Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
What are the actions of Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides)?
- Emmenagogue 2. Uterine and ovarian tonic 3. Oxytocic 4. Spasmolytic
What are the actions of Black Cohosh (Actaea racemosa)?
- Oestrogen modulator 2. HPO regulator 3. Uterine tonic 5. Anti-inflammatory 6. Antispasmodic 7. CNS depressor 8. Vasodilatory
What are the actions of Chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus)?
- HPO axis modulator 2. Luteal phase modulator 3. LH stimulant 4. Menstrual cycle regulator 5. Oestrogen modulator 6. Ovarian tonic 7. Ovulation stimulant 8. Progestogenic (indirectly) 9. Dopamine agonist 10. Prolactin inhibitor 11. Androgen inhibitor Galactagogue 12. Prolactin inhibitor
What are the actions of Dong quai (Angelica sinensis)?
- Hormone balancer 2. Uterine tonic 3. Anti-anaemic 4. Anti-platelet 5. Anti-arrhythmic 6. Anti-inflammatory
What are the actions of Paeonia/White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora)?
- Follicular phase modulator 2. Hormone balancer 3. HPO modulator 4. Luteal phase modulator 5. Oestrogen modulating 6. Oestrogen stimulator 7. Menstrual cycle regulator 8. Prolactin inhibitor 9. Androgen inhibitor 10. Spasmolytic 11. Mild muscle relaxant 12. Anti-convulsant 13. Anti-inflammatory 14. Cognition enhancer 15. Antiallergic
What are the actions of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)?
- Tonic 2. Galactagogue 3. Sexual tonic 4. Adaptogen 5. spasmolytic
What are the actions of Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa)?
- Oestrogen modulating 2. Anti-inflammatory 3. Antispasmodic (uterus)
Name a herbal remedy that is a uterine stimulant?
Name a herbal action used to improve not only the quantity, but also the quality of breast milk?
Name a herbal action used to slow the rate and intensity of uterine contractions?
Uterine spasmolytic
Name a herbal action that restores the function and vitality of the female reproductive system?
Female tonic
Name a herbal action that assists with normal uterine functions and normalises uterine actions?
Uterine tonic
Name a herbal action that can act as an oestrogen?
Name a herbal action that assists in regulating menstrual flow by influencing the uterus or the length of the menstrual cycle?
Hormone balancer
Identify this herb and its aprts used?

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
The root
Identify this herb and the parts used?

Wild yam (Dioscorea villosa)
The Rhizome Root
Identify this herb and the parts used?

Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)
The Ripe fruit
Identify this herb and the parts used?

Blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides)
The Root
Identify this herb and the parts used?

Dong quai (Angelica polymorpha)
The Root
Identify this herb and the parts used?

Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa)
The Dried rhizome and root
Identify this herb and the parts used?

Paeonia (white peony) (Paeonia lactiflora)
The root
Which herb is a prolactin inhibitor?
Which herb is a progesterone stimulator?
Chaste tree
Which herb is a stimulant of luteinising hormone?
Chaste tree