Lesson 3 pg. 9 - 12 Flashcards
Is there an unlimited supply of goods? Explain
No, there is not an unlimited supply of goods because of limited quantity and cost. Limited to human ability or cultivation and the fact that everything has to be paid for and there are never enough goods produced to satisfy everybody’s wants.
Define prodigality
prodigality - bad habit of spending more than one can afford
Define a need
Need - a necessity; something it would be difficult to do without
Define a want
Want - a desire, longing, or appetite for something
For those goods we need most, we are willing to pay more than we would pay for what?
For those goods we need most, we are willing to pay more than we would pay for goods of less importance to us.
How do economists classify goods?
Economists classify goods under one or the other of two headings–capital goods and consumer goods.
Define and describe capital goods
> capital good (sometimes called an investment good or simply capital) is anything used in the production and distribution of goods and services
created because they are necessary for making and distributing of other goods, whether capital or consumer products
Describe consumer goods
consumer goods -those things produces for direct use by consumers: they are made to satisfy people’s wants
How does a nation contrive to produce more capital goods?
A nation contrives to produce more capital goods through intelligent work and saving.
Define and describe modern technology
> modern technology - industrial skills and scientific methods that make possible efficient production–results from applying intelligence to work