Lesson 3 - Origins And Beliefs Of Hinduism Flashcards
What is a guru?
Thinkers and teachers
What is Brahman?
One supreme cosmic consciousness, spiritual force, or God.
What is reincarnation?
The rebirth of a soul in a new body.
What is karma?
The effect of a persons actions in this and in previous lives.
What is dharma?
A persons duty or what is right.
What is ahimsa?
Avoiding doing harm to any living thing, truthfulness, and moderation and self control.
What is moksha?
Liberation from reincarnation.
List facts about Hinduism.
- Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest religion and the third largest.
- Hinduism has elements of both polytheism and monotheism.
3.Hinduism is based on the word Hindu which is what early Persian traders called the people they encountered in India. - Around 500 BCE, Hindu beliefs began to change.
What was early Hinduism like?
Hinduism was based on the principle of the Brahman. Much of the ritual authority was given to priests, or Brahmans.
How did Hindu beliefs begin to change?
Around 500 BCE some thinkers emphasized and built on top of the concept of Brahman. People began asking questions such as: Why are we born? How should we live? What happens to us when we die?
How were ideas of teachers passed down?
They were passed down orally at first, later, they were written down.
What are Upanishads?
Writings which made connections between heavenly forces and peoples lives.
What are epic poems?
A long story of heroes told in verse.
What are the two epic poems which emerged during this period?
The Ramayana and the Mahabharata. They helped explain religious ideals and how people should liver their lives.
Describe the Ramayana.
This is the story of a king named Rama and his wife Sita. Sita is kidnapped by the demon king, Ravana. Rama, his brother, and the monkey God, Hanuman, together rescue Sita. This story shows the importance of dharma.
Describe the Mahabharata.
It is the worlds longest poem. It is 200,000 lines long. It tells the story of two families at war for control of a kingdom. It deals with moral issues. These include the conflict between loyalty to family and duty.
What are Hindu;s beliefs about God?
The Upanishads contain two beliefs that lie at the heart of HInduism. The first is the Brahman, they also believe in individual Gods or Goddesses as forms of Brahman. The second Hindu belief is that every person is born with a soul, which is also a form of Brahman.
What are Hinduisms four goals?
- Dharma
- Striving for well-being
- Pleasure
- Moksha
What are the paths to moksha?
- The way of knowledge
- The way of works
- The way of devotion
- The way of meditation
What things helped the growth of Hinduism in India?
.Hinduisms flexibility helped because Hinduism views all Gods as forms of a single supreme God.
.Hinduism doesnt require regular attendance at religious services.
.Hinduism is the only major religion which God is thought as having a female as well male form.
Describe how gurus helped Hinduism to grow.
Gurus built off of early Hindu beliefs and started asking important questions which made people learn more about the subject which contributed to the growth of the religion.
Use the terms, Brahman, karma, and moksha to describe Hindu beliefs.
Hindu’s have goals in life and the last one is moksha which means liberation from reincarnation and when people reach moksha they believe they became one with the Brahman, and Hindus have to make sure that on their journey to reach moksha they don’t get bad karma for their next life.