Lesson 3: Meteorological Parameter Flashcards
An observed atmospheric variables that affect the weather and climate.
Meteorological Parameters
Occurs when the energy of the sun heats the earth’s surface and causes water to evaporate in the form of water vapor.
Precipitation/ Rainfall
It is a conventional instrument used to measure rainfall by measuring the height of rainfall collected in calibrated cylinder after every
Rain Gauge
A more sophisticated technique
in measuring rainfall intensity. It measures absorption of signal in dB and on the basis computes error free rainfall measurements.
Absorption of wave and microwave signal
Importance of Rainfall Data
i. Agriculture
ii. Forecasting weather patterns and trends
iii. Regional and Urban Planning
iv. Disaster and Risk Management
The Earth’s orbit around the sun keeps the planet at an ideal distance where
temperatures support liquid water on the surface to maintain life.
Atmospheric Temperature
It is the mass of water vapor divided by the mass of dry air in a
volume of air at a given temperature. The hotter the air, the more water it can contain.
Absolute Humidity
It is the most common measure of humidity. It is the ratio between
the current absolute humidity to the highest possible absolute humidity depending
on the current air temperature.
Relative Humidity
Humidity also affects plant turgor pressure
Which is an indicator of the amount of water in plant cells.
It is the force exerted on a surface by the air above.
Atmospheric pressure
An instrument to measure pressure and expressed as atmosphere.