Lesson 3 - Factors Affecting Attraction, Self Disclosure Flashcards
What is Self-Disclosure?
This is the revealing of personal and intimate thoughts, feelings and information about oneself to another person.
What is Reciprocal Self Disclosure?
This is the idea that people expect the same level of self disclosure from others as they actually give.
What are the factors affecting Self Disclosure?
- Appropriateness
- Attributions for Self Disclosure
- Gender Differences
- Content
What is Appropriateness? (Factors affecting self disclosure)
Self disclosure is not always appropriate. For example, self disclosure on a first date is not essential. This is all governed by social norms.
What is Attributions for Self Disclosure? (Factors affecting self disclosure)
This discusses the reasons as to why someone would be self-disclosing information. Self disclosing can be seen as a sign of trust and affection so this may be why.
What are gender differences? (Factors affecting self disclosure)
Women are usually seen to self-disclose more. However, if a man does so to a woman, they may see this as rewarding, as it signals to the woman that the man has lowered his walls for her, and trusts her, which creates a 2 way attraction.
What is Content? (Factors affecting self disclosure)
Self disclosure of highly intimate information may be inappropriate at first. This can decrease attraction, and be seen as oversharing. Self disclosure must be at a balanced middle point between over and undersharing.
Evaluation of Self Disclosure - Research Support (Appropriateness)
Altman and Taylor (1973) found that self disclosure on the first date was seen as inappropriate, and the person self disclosing was seen as maladjusted, and not very likeable.
Evaluation of Self Disclosure - Research Support across cultures
Kito (2010) did an experiment on Japanese and American students. He found that self disclosure was highest for students in romantic heterosexual relationships. Self disclosure is an important factor in romantic relationships, and is cross cultural.
Evaluation of Self Disclosure - Attraction cannot be based on self disclosure alone.
Self disclosure as a theory can be criticised as it is highly unlikely that the attraction of a potential partner is based on self disclosure alone. While it may be an important element, there are other important factors that must be taken into account.
Evaluation of Self Disclosure - Self Disclosure on TV (Tal-OR)
Tal-Or (2015) conducted research that supports the idea that gradual self disclosure is preferred. On the reality TV series Big Brother, participants who self disclosed very quickly were liked over those who did not disclose at all. However, people still preferred participants that self disclosed over time, which reflects relationships in real life.
What was Sprecher’s Aim in his study?
He wanted to investigate whether reciprocal self disclosure, or one sided self disclosure (listening) was more important in determining attraction in relationships.
Sprecher’s Methods for his self disclosure study?
He used 156 american undergraduates who did not know each other before hand.
They were split into pairs.
66% were female-female.
33% were female-male.
Each pair engaged in a self-disclosure task on Skype.
Group 1 was reciprocal self disclosure,
Group 2 was non reciprocal and each participant took turns while the other listened.
What were Sprecher’s findings?
The findings were that reciprocal self disclosure lead to significantly more closeness and likeability, as opposed to non reciprocal self disclosure.
Evaluation of Sprecher’s Research - Skype.
Sprecher’s study can be criticised due to his use of the app Skype. This is not the same as real dates which would be face to face. Skype may distort the results and cause the study to lack validity overall.
Evaluation of Sprecher’s Research - Culture Bias
The study was only carried out in America. This means that the results are culturally biased. Self-disclosure might differ in more collectivist cultures, and therefore this study cannot be generalised to those.
Evaluation of Sprecher’s Research - Connects to Altman and Taylor
Altman and Taylor said that self disclosure must be an equal balance of disclosing and receiving, and Sprecher found that reciprocal self disclosure resulted in the most positive outcomes, which lines up with what A+T said. This is good research support.
Evaluation of Sprecher’s Study - Did not look at male-male
Sprecher could have got a whole view if he also looked at male-male interactions. He also could have compared genders. His sample was however quite biased, so he should have divided the sample differently, in order to gain a broader view of self disclosure.