Lesson 3 - Cognition of Users Flashcards
? is what goes on in our heads when we carry out our everyday activities. It involves ? processes, like thinking, remembering, learning, daydreaming, decision making, seeing, reading, writing and talking.
1 word
What goes in the mind?
- Perceiving, Thinking, Remembering, Learning
- Understanding others, Talking with others, Manipulating others
- Planning a meal, Painting, Writing, Composing
- Making decisions, Solving problems, Daydreaming
Fill in the blanks
Examples of ? include driving a car, reading a book, having a conversation, and playing a video game.
2 words
General modes of cognition
experiential cognition
Fill in the blanks
In contrast, ? involves thinking, comparing, and decision making. This kind of cognition is what leads to new ideas and creativity. Examples include designing, learning, and writing a book.
2 words
General modes of cognition
reflective cognition
(6) Specific kinds of processes in cognition:
Specific kinds of processes in cognition
- Reading, speaking, and listening
- Problem solving, planning, reasoning, decision making
- Memory
- Learning
- Attention
- Perception and recognition
?, this approach is to apply theories and conceptual frameworks to interaction design.
4 words
Specific kinds of processes in cognition
Conceptual frameworks for cognition
(3) Different perspective on cognition
Different perspective on cognition
- Mental modes
- Information processing
- External cognition
Understand and give the gist
Understanding the various cognitive processes that users engage in when interacting with systems, it is useful to understand the way people cope with the demands of everyday life also.
Applying Knowledge from the Physical World to the Digital World
- Knowing users’ cognitive processes helps in designing effective systems.
- It’s also important to understand how people handle everyday demands.
- This combined understanding improves user-centered design.
Understand and give the gist
Theories, models, and conceptual frameworks provide abstractions for thinking about phenomena. In particular, they enable generalizations to be made about cognition across different situations.
Informing Design: from Theory to Practice
- Theories, models, and frameworks help us think about complex topics.
- They allow us to generalize how cognition works in different situations.
Understand and give the gist
Theory in its pure form, however, can be difficult to digest. The arcane terminology and jargon used can be quite off-putting to those not familiar with it. It also requires much time to become familiar with it-something that designers and engineers can’t afford when working to meet deadlines. Researchers have tried to help out by making theory more accessible and practical.
Informing Design: from Theory to Practice
- Pure theory can be hard to understand due to complex jargon.
- Designers and engineers often lack time to learn it fully.
- Researchers have worked to make theory more accessible and practical.