Lesson 3 Flashcards
1.The virgin birth and the incarnation are doctrines under contention and theological debate. Why?
- They prove the existence of God, which many deny.
- What are three (3) reasons Jesus needed to be born of a virgin?
- To fulfil prophecy (Isaiah 7:14: a virgin shall conceive…Emanuel)
- To fulfil the ‘curse of Coniah’
- To ensure Jesus was born without imputation of Adam’s sin (1 Timothy 2:14, 15)
- Name the two witnesses at Jesus’ dedication who testified he was the One for whom righteous Israelites had waited.
- Simeon
2. Anna
- The gospels reveal not only the fact of the incarnation, but the purpose. What were the two purposes?
- First of all, the Word took on human flesh to reveal God to men.
- He came to redeem his people from sin.
- Name two implications (results) of the incarnation as taught in the lessons.
- The incarnation is the measure of Gods ability to save.
2. The incarnation is God’s standard for measuring our love for one another.
- True/False:
It was essential that Jesus be totally without sin through his parentage (imputation) or life.
- Joseph was the physical father of Jesus.
- What is the incarnation?
To clothe with flesh; to embody in flesh. Jesus Christ is God incarnate refer to Jesus Christ as undiminished deity and perfect humanity united permanently in one person
- State the three purposes of the incarnation
i. To reveal God to men.
ii. To reign over His people.
iii. To redeem his people from sin.
- Multiple choice:
Which of the following is not true?
a) Jesus had some divine characteristics (This is the correct answer)
b) Jesus was god manifested in the flesh
c) Jesus was a man with all normal human characteristics
d) Jesus was man and god fused together