lesson 3 Flashcards
what are the three forms of jurisdiction?
1.Jurisdiction to prescribe
2.Jurisdiction to enforce
3.Jurisdiction to adjudicate
think about robbery:
1. robbery is criminalized (prescribing)
2. you can get apprehended for robery (enforcing law)
3. you can get prosecuted before a court for robery before court (adjudicate)
what are the 4 ways a state can accept ICJ’s mandatory jurisdiction
- special agreement
- jurisidictional clause
- forum prorogatum (corfu channel case)
- optional clause
what is the difference between jure gestione acts and jure imperii acts?
jure imperii- acts of sovereign nature (state immunity only applies to jure imperii).
jure gestione- acts of a private or commercial nature (not state immunity).
for distinguishment LOOK AT NATURE OF ACT.
what are bases of extra-territorial jurisdiction?
- active nationality (perpetrator nationality)
- passive nationality (victim nationality)
- universal jurisdiction (badddd crimes mostly)
- effects doctrine (controversial USA)
- protective principle (think about combating terrorism and fake currency)
what is the difference between ratione materiae and ratione persone
ratione materiae= attached to acts of state agents acting in their official capacity, only official acts. agents can claim immunity after leaving office since act is attached to state.
ratione persone: for certain state officials, to let key offices function and they cease after office.
what is the difference between subjective and objective territoriality?
objective territoriality- only jurisdiction over acts completed in territory (even when elements happened in other states.)
subjective territoriality: A state will have jurisdiction over all matter commencing in state even when parts happened in other state.
can officials claim immunity for international crimes?
State immunity- no -they incur individual criminal responsibility for such act.
personal Immunity- yes- they shield high- rank state agents from the prosecution before national courts for the duration of their official function.
can immunity be used to free officials from reponsibilities for int. crimes?