lesson 3 Flashcards
assess wether a person is capable of doing a certain physical activity
PARQ or Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
components of PARQ
warm up
exercise load
cool down
prepare the body
warm up
increase blood flow to working muscle gradually
warm up
prepares the heart, muscles, and joints
warm up
characteristics of warm up:
duration of recovery:
duration: 6-10 mins
intensity: moderate
movement: gen movements of joints followed by exercise
duration of recovery: 5 minutes recovery time before the actual exercise
stretching to stimulate
nueromuscular joints, enhance balance, and proprioception
helps perceive spatial location and performance and prevent injuries
body awareness
purpose of warm up exercise
raise cardiac rate to 50-60 max percent of the heart
cardiac cycle 2-4 mins
dynamic stretching exercise - for rest between exercise sets, focuses on muscles and muscle tendon units.
essential as the main exercise
cool down
well executed cool down can
deliver oxygen and other nutrients in the body
duration of cool down
10 mins complete decent cooldown routine
5 minutes of low-intensity multi-joint
- use essential and well-maintained facilities and equipments
- return the weights to its proper places and avoid being barefoot on the weights area
- choose proper footwear that fits well and provides cushioning to prevent blisters and injuries
- replace worn out shoes for adequate protection and cushioning
- do research on common sporting injuries and acquire appropriate equipment for prevention