Lesson 3 Flashcards
ruled the country for over 300 years.
The Spanish Colonizers
used the cross to influence and impose their religion upon the natives.
Spanish Colonizers
What are the writings during Spanish Colonial Period
• religious
• secular, and at the latter part.
• propaganda and revolutionary.
were in the form of prose as prayer books, novenas, biographies of saints, and the likes.
Filipino dramatization of the life and times of Jesus Christ presented during the Lent, was widely held.
Philippine epic narrative of the life of Jesus Christ, was written in stanzas with five lines of eight syllables each and focused on his Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
a song praising God or the Virgin Mary and containing a philosophy of life, also became popular.
These are prominently tales of valiance and adventure.
Secular/Non-religious Literature
have measures of twelve syllables
(dodecasyllabic) and are slowly sung to the accompaniment of a guitar or banduria.
metrical romances and tales that follow a structure of a poem.
have measures of eight syllables (octosyllabic) and recited to a martial beat.
are tales of chivalry where a knight saves a princess. Ibong Adarna is an example of this.
a poetic vehicle of a socio-religious nature celebrated during the death of a person.
a poetic joust in speaking and reasoning.
a type of drama that originated in Spain.
Sarswela / Zarsuela
includes singing and dancing on stage with lyrics alternatively spoken and sung in operatic and popular styles.
Sarswela / Zarsuela
instructional materials that teach
Filipinos proper decorum.
Prose Narrative
gave birth to two crucial and historic movements during this time, what are those?
Propaganda movement
and the
Revolutionary movement
was reformatory in objective and its members were Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar, and Graciano Lopez-Jaena.
Propaganda Movement
published news, editorial, and satires that attacked Spanish rule.
Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar, and Graciano Lopez-Jaena literature during the propaganda movement
Separate Government from Spaniards
Revolutionary Movement
Del Pilar’s Dasalan at Tocsohan
Prayers and Jokes
Lopez Jana’s?
Fray Botod (1876)
Andres Bonifacio’s Katungkulang Gagawin ng mga Anak ng Bayan (Obligations of our Countrymen)
Revolutionary Movement Literatures
Who wrote the El Desarollo y Caida de la Republica Filipina (The Rise and Fall of Philippine Republic)
Apolinario Mabini
Liwanag at Dilim (Light and Darkness) was for?
work, faith, freedom, government, and patriotism.