Lesson 3 Flashcards
Te hine / te kōtiro
The girl
Nga hine / nga kōtiro
The girls
Te manuhiri
The guest
Nga manuhiri
The guests
Te aranga a te karaiti i te mate.
The risen Christ from the dead (Easter)
Te rā whakamaumahara ki ngā hōia.
The day to remember the soldiers (Anzac Day)
Kei te pēhea koe?
How are you?
Kei te pai ahah.
I am fine.
E pēhea ana ia?
How is he/she? (northern dialect)
E māuiui ana ia.
She is ill. (northern dialect)
E pēhea ana koe?
How are you? (northern dialect)
E hiakai ana au.
I am hungry.
E pēhea ana a Mere?
How is Mere?
E pukuriri ana a Mere.
Mere is grumpy.
E hari ana a Wiremu.
Wiremu is happy.
Kei te pēhea au?
How am I?
Ke te āwangawanga ahau.
I am worried.
Kei te pēhea tō hoa makau/wahine/rangatira?
How is your wife?
Kei te pai tōku hoa wahine/makau/rangatira.
My wife is fine.
Kei te hiamoe ahau.
I am tired.
e hiamoe ana ahau.
I am tired (northern dialect).
Kei te pēhea a Hēni?
How is Heni?
Kei te pukuriri ia.
She is grumpy.
Kei te haakai a Erana.
Erana is hungry.
Step children/parents
Enemy (angry friend)
E aha ana te manu?
What is the bird doing?
E rere ana te manu.
The bird is flying
Kei te aha nga kūia?
What are the senior women doing?
Kei te kata nga kūia.
The senior women are laughing.
Kei te aha a Hone?
What is Hone doing?
Kei te moe a Hone.
Hone is sleeping.
E aha ana koe?
What are you doing?
E whakāro ana au.
I am thinking.
Kei te aha ia?
What is s/he doing?
Kei te kata ia.
S/he is laughing.
Kei te aha ngā kaumātua?
What are the elders doing?
Kei te mihi ngā kaumatua.
The elders are greeting one another.
Kei te aha e Mere?
What is Mere doing?
Kei te kata e Mere.
Mere is laughing.
Kei te aha ngā ākonga.
What are the students doing?
Kei te ako nga ākanga.
The students are learning
Kei te aha te kaiako?
What is the teacher doing?
Kei te whakaako te kaiako.
The teacher is teaching.
Kei te aha nga tamariki?
What are the children doing?
Kei to tākaro nga tamariki.
The children are playing.
Kei te aha te tumuaki?
What is the principle doing?
Kei te kōrero te tumuaki.
The principle is talking.
Kei te aha a Tama?
What is Tama doing?
Kei te inu a Tama.
Tama is drinking.