lesson 26: -(으)ㄴ + noun (past tense noun group) Flashcards
어제 본 영화
the movie that I saw yesterday
어제 온 사람들
the people who came yesterday
친구가 말한 카페
the cafe that a friend talked about
어제 본 영화 어땠어요?
How was the movie that you saw yesterday?
새로 이사 간 집은 어때요?
How is your new house that you moved to?
오늘 배운 내용 복습하세요.
Please review what you learned today.
제가 보는 책이에요.
It’s a book that I’m reading.
제가 본 책이에요.
It’s a book that I’ve read.
제가 볼 책이에요.
It’s a book that I will read.
요즘 공부하는 외국어예요.
It’s a foreign language that I am studying these days.
어제 공부한 외국어예요.
It’s a foreign language that I studied yesterday.
내일 공부할 외국어예요.
It’s a foreign language that I will study tomorrow.
석진 씨, 다친 무릎은 괜찮아요?
Seokjin, is your hurt knee okay?
다 나았어요.
It is fully healed.
그래도 무리하지 마세요.
Still, don’t strain it.