Lesson 2.3: Where is it (sentences) Flashcards
What does it mean?
(Rohng pá-yaa-baan yòo têe năi?)
Where is the hospital?
What does it mean?
(Ráan kăai kŏng yòo dtrong năi?)
Where exactly is the grocery store?
What does it mean?
(Tá-naa-kaan yòo têe năi?)
Where is the bank?
What does it mean?
แถวนี้มีร้านอาหารอร่อยๆ ไหม?
(Tăew née mee ráan aa-hăan à-ròi à-ròi măi?)
Is there a good restaurant around here?
What does it mean?
(Tăew nán mee tá-naa-kaan măi?)
Is there a bank around there?
What does it mean?
(Ráan nûat yòo glâi gàp dtà-làat châi măi)
The massage shop is near the market, right?
What does it mean?
(Dtà-làat sà-nùk mâak.)
The market is a lot of fun!
What does it mean?
(Ráan yaa yòo glai jàak têe nêe măi?)
Is the phamarcy far from here?
What does it mean?
(Rohng-rian yòo glâi gàp hâang măi?)
Is the school near the mall?
What does it mean?
(Ráan-kăai-kŏng yòo dtrong kâam gàp sà-tăa-nee dtam-rùat)
The grocery store is opposite the police station.
What does it mean?
(Kun hĕn fai daeng dtrong nán măi?)
Do you see the traffic light over there?
What does it mean?
(Tĕung sèe yâek láew gôr líao kwăa)
(When you) arrive at the intersection, then turn right.
What does it mean?
(Săam yâek yòo dtrong năi?)
Where exactly is the T-junction?
What does it mean?
(Sà-tăa-nee dtam-rùat yòo kâang lăng hâang.)
The police station is behind the mall.
What does it mean?
(Dtrong bpai tĕung fai daeng.)
Go straight until you reach the traffic light.
What does it mean?
(Líao sáai têe săam-yâek.)
Turn left at the T-junction.
What does it mean?
(Ráan nûat yòo dtìt gàp ráan yaa.)
The massage shop is next to the pharmacy.
How do you say it in Thai?
Where is the hospital?
(Rohng pá-yaa-baan yòo têe năi?)
Where is the hospital?
How do you say it in Thai?
Where exactly is the grocery store?
(Ráan kăai kŏng yòo dtrong năi?)
Where exactly is the grocery store?
How do you say it in Thai?
Where is the bank?
(Tá-naa-kaan yòo têe năi?)
Where is the bank?
How do you say it in Thai?
Is there a good restaurant around here?
แถวนี้มีร้านอาหารอร่อยๆ ไหม?
(Tăew née mee ráan aa-hăan à-ròi à-ròi măi?)
Is there a good restaurant around here?
How do you say it in Thai?
Is there a bank around there?
(Tăew nán mee tá-naa-kaan măi?)
Is there a bank around there?
How do you say it in Thai?
The massage shop is near the market, right?
(Ráan nûat yòo glâi gàp dtà-làat châi măi)
The massage shop is near the market, right?
How do you say it in Thai?
The market is a lot of fun!
(Dtà-làat sà-nùk mâak.)
The market is a lot of fun!
How do you say it in Thai?
Is the phamarcy far from here?
(Ráan yaa yòo glai jàak têe nêe măi?)
Is the phamarcy far from here?
How do you say it in Thai?
The grocery store is opposite the police station.
(Ráan-kăai-kŏng yòo dtrong kâam gàp sà-tăa-nee dtam-rùat)
The grocery store is opposite the police station.
How do you say it in Thai?
Is the school near the mall?
(Rohng-rian yòo glâi gàp hâang măi?)
Is the school near the mall?
How do you say it in Thai?
Do you see the traffic light over there?
(Kun hĕn fai daeng dtrong nán măi?)
Do you see the traffic light over there?
How do you say it in Thai?
(When you) arrive at the intersection, then turn right.
(Tĕung sèe yâek láew gôr líao kwăa)
(When you) arrive at the intersection, then turn right.
How do you say it in Thai?
Where exactly is the T-junction?
(Săam yâek yòo dtrong năi?)
Where exactly is the T-junction?
How do you say it in Thai?
The police station is behind the mall.
(Sà-tăa-nee dtam-rùat yòo kâang lăng hâang.)
The police station is behind the mall.
How do you say it in Thai?
Go straight until you reach the traffic light.
(Dtrong bpai tĕung fai daeng.)
Go straight until you reach the traffic light.
How do you say it in Thai?
Turn left at the T-junction.
(Líao sáai têe săam-yâek.)
Turn left at the T-junction.
How do you say it in Thai?
The massage shop is next to the pharmacy.
(Ráan nûat yòo dtìt gàp ráan yaa.)
The massage shop is next to the pharmacy.