Lesson 23 Flashcards
anata no kazoku ni nannin imasu ka.
How many people are there in your family?
kodomo ga futari imasu
I have 2 children
otoko no ko desu ka. onna no ko desu ka.
Do you have a boy? Do you have a girl?
otoko no ko ga hitori. sohite, onna no ko ga hitori imasu
I have one boy. And i have one girl
kodomosan wa chiisai desu ka.
Is your child small?
hai, hontou ni chiisai desu.
Yes, its really small
Children (someone else’s).
Too big.
irete kudasai
Please put in.
gasorin o juu rittaa irete kudasai
10 litters of gasoline please
matte kudasai
Please wait
chotto matte kudasai
Please wait a minute.
To go.
toukyou e ikimasu
I’m going to tokyo
“To” a location. (particle)
doko e ikimasu ka
where are you going?
tooku arimasen
Not far
“And.” Used between two nouns. (particle)
biiru to osake
beer and sake
itte kudasai
Please go
itte kudasai
Please go