Lesson 2 Words To Go Flashcards
“Busy as a bee is a cliche.”
Noun - a phrase that is no longer very effective or meaningful because of being used too often.
“I want to commend you for your bravery.”
Verb - to speak of with approval; to praise
“Greg is quite competent in the kitchn, so the dinner he made for us was delicious.”
Adjective - able to do something
“A scarecrow is a deception that makes crows think a person is in the field.”
Noun - a trick or a lie; something that deceives
“Scrubbing floors is a drudgery.”
Noun - dull, uninteresting work
“Rains began to erode the river bank.”
Verb - to wear away slowly
“The soldiers did not falter even though they faced almost certain death.”
“If you don’t know the answer, you may falter when you try to give it.”
Verb - 1. To hesitate; to not go straight onward; to lose courage
- to speak in a hesitating way; to stammer
“The squirrel has a hoard of nuts.”
“We began to hoard food supplies when we heard that a big snowstorm was coming.”
Noun - a stored supply, often hidden
Verb - to store up for future use; to collect often in a greedy way
“No bully is going to intimidate me!”
Verb - to frighten; to influence by fear
“We were all jubilant when Ronna scored the winning run.”
Adjective - feeling great joy; filled with gladness and rejoicing; happy enough to shout
“The fresh peaches made a luscious pie.”
Adjective - delicious; extremely sweet and pleasing to any of the senses.
“I don’t want to offend you, but you do look silly in that hat.”
Verb - to cause someone to feel hurt or angry; to insult.
“I dropped a quarter in the snow but was ableto retrieve it.”
Verb - to get back, to recover.
“Lincoln’s steadfast belief was that the Union should be preserved.”
“Helen and I have been steadfast friends for many years.”
- firm and unchanging
- loyal; true
“It requires tact to tell a friend you’re voting for someone else for class president.”
Noun - the ability to deal with difficult situations without making people feel hurt or insulted