Lesson 2- What were China's international relations, 1953-62? Flashcards
Why was the assumption that after Stalin’s death Sino-Soviet relations would ease true?
After his death, Soviet leaders were happy to provide the PRC with further loans and technology.
What 4 events undermined the possibility of a genuine Sino-Soviet relationship?
- Nikita Khrushchev denouncing Stalin for his ‘crimes against the party’
- Khrushchev suppressing an anti-Soviet rising in Hungary
- Soviet use of detente towards the West
- Khrushchev’s claim in a world of nuclear superpowers, the Marxist-Leninist notion was no longer acceptable
When did Khrushchev denounce Stalin for his ‘crimes against the party’?
February 1956
Why did Khrushchev denouncing Stalin’s actions threaten Sino-Soviet relationships?
Khrushchev attacked Stalin’s cult of personality which Mao took very personally
Why did the anti-Soviet rising in Hungary threaten Sino-Soviet relations?
For Mao, the rising was as a result of the Soviet Union’s relaxation of its ideological grip
Why was Soviet use of detent towards the West undermining Sino-Soviet relations?
Offended Mao
Why did Khrushchev claiming that the Marxist-Leninist notion was no longer acceptable in a world of nuclear superpowers undermine Sino-Soviet relations?
Clear evidence to Mao that the Soviets had taken the revisionist path
What year was Mao’s second visit to the USSR?
What conference did Khrushchev convene (hold) in 1957 in Moscow regarding Communism?
A conference for the world’s Communist parties
What was the aim of Khrushchev’s conference for the world’s Communist parties?
To repair differences between the USSR and other Marxist countries
What did Mao let be known at the conference in 1957?
He though the USSR’s approach to the West was too accommodating.
He felt the USSR was planning to leave China internationally isolated.
Called on them to abandon revisionism and return to the true Marxist-Leninist path
Who was Deng at the 1957 conference?
PRC’s representative
What did Deng argue at the conference in 1957?
The proletarian world revolution was achievable only through armed struggle.
Capitalism had to be overcome by force
How did Russian host react to Deng’s performance in the 1957 conference?
Were embarrassed and angered by his performance
When did Khrushchev make another attempt to improve Sino-Soviet relations after the 1957 conference?
What did Khrushchev discuss with Mao upon meeting him in 1958?
The mishandling of negotiations regarding a joint Sino-Soviet naval programme
What did the joint Sino-Soviet naval programme claim?
China’s navy had to be under Soviet control
What did Mao do as a result of the claims of the joint Sino-Soviet naval programme?
Deliberately tried to make Khrushchev feel uncomfortable
How did Mao make Khrushchev feel uncomfortable?
Took him to a hotel without air conditioning
Talked to him in places near his private swimming pool although Khrushchev didn’t like water
Talks between Khrushchev and Mao in their 1958 meeting were a success.
True or false?
Eastern bloc
Group of Communist states of Central and Eastern Europe, East Asia and Southeast Asia under the hegemony (leadership) of the USSR during the Cold War (1945-91), in opposition to the non-Communist Western Bloc
Soviet satellites
Countries controlled by the USSR
Easing of hostility or strained relations, especially between countries.
Term used to describe a state with a dominant position, which is characterised by its extensive ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale
Attempting to reverse or slow down the revolutionary policies
Exaggerated or excessive patriotism
Follower of Orthodox Marxism and Bolshevik-Leninism
Country in Southeast Europe on Adriatic and Ionian Sea within the Mediterranean Sea
Unequal treaties
Imperialist treaties made in the 19th century
Sino-Indian War
War between China and India beginning in 1962
Communist Cuba
Communist Party of Cuba is the ruling political party in the Republic of Cuba
Paper tigers
Term used to describe the USA’s nuclear weapons in order to show Mao’s lack of fear
Practice of making accusations of subversion or treason, especially when related to Communism
What did Deng attack the USSR for, in regards to Chauvinism?
Its great nation, great party chauvinism in acting as if it was the only true interpreter of Marxist theory.
Accused them of betraying international Communist movement
What did Deng’s actions in Moscow protect him from later on?
Saved him from being a victim in the Cultural Revolution.
In 1958, what did the Taiwan issue provide a test for?
Genuineness of Sino-Soviet sympathies
What did Mao do in response to the Taiwan issue?
Mao ordered, without consultation with Moscow, a full scale assault on the Nationalist-held island.
How did the USA respond the China’s attempt to launch an attack on Taiwan?
Prepared for war with China
How did Mao respond to threats of a war from the US, regarding the Taiwan issue?
Held back from a direct attack on Taiwan
What reason did Mao give for not attacking Taiwan after all?
The USSR had decline to offer China even moral support
Why were Sino-Soviet relations worsened due to the Soviet reaction to China’s GLF?
1959 = Mao enraged by news that SU had dismissed his attempt to revolutionise the Chinese economy as a total blunder.
What rumour about the issues from the GLF was Mao angered by?
One of his own Chiefs-Of-Staff, Marshall Peng Dehuai, had passed onto Moscow details of the widespread starvation that the GLF had caused
What bloc was Albania in?
Eastern bloc
Mao condemned de-stalinisation for the encouragement it gave to what?
Counter-revolution in the Eastern bloc countries
How did the Chinese leaders create rivalry between them and the Soviet Union in regards to the Eastern bloc countries?
Mao saw the chance by supporting socialist countries hostile to the USSR.
Looked to give support to the countries that defied the USSR (Albania in 1961)
PRC provided Albania with money and technical assistance when the Soviet Union had withdrawn its financial aid.
Why did the Soviet Union withdraw their financial aid from Albania?
Angered that Albania had refused dictation from Moscow.
At what conference did China walk out from?
1961 Moscow conference
Who from China walked out the 1961 Moscow conference?
Zhou Enlai
As what was Zhou Enlai invited to the 1961 Moscow conference as?
An observer
What had led to severing diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and the PRC?
The Albanian question
Who did Khrushchev abuse at the 1961 Moscow conference and why?
Albanian Communist leader for their backward Stalin ways.
What did the collapse of Sino-Soviet relations encourage at the 1961 Moscow conference?
More offensive sayings in their personal references
How did the collapsing relations of China and the SU encourage more offensive personal references?
Mao described as ‘Asian Hitler’ and ‘a living corpse’.
How did Mao respond to the offensive references of him at the 1961 Moscow conference?
Responded by dismissing the Soviet adversary (opponent) as a ‘redundant old boot’ that ought to be thrown into a corner.
How did Mao prove that the USSR were as guilty of imperialism as the original Tsarist land grabbers?
Mao asserted that the refusal of the USSR to return the Chinese territories that Russia had acquired by the unequal treaties of the 19th century.
When was the Sino-Indian War?
Why was China angry with the USSR’s attitude during the Sino-Indian War?
SU was formally neutral but it provided India with fighter-planes and its moral support was all on India’s side.
What did Mao believe about the Soviet’s offer to act as a mediator between the PRC and India in the Sino-Indian War?
Regarded it as hypocrisy.
Rejected as another attempt to undermine China’s international standing.
When was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What did the Cold War give China the chance to do to the Soviet Union?
Ridicule their claim to the leadership of the world revolution
What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
A singular even during the Cold War.
In October, USSR exploited its influence over Communist Cuba and installed rockets and nuclear warheads on the island.
Since Cuba was 145km off the coast of the USA, President Kennedy demanded the withdrawal of weapons.
After an intense stand Khrushchev complied.
What agreement was made between the 2 superpowers-SU and the USA, in order to deal with the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Made a compromise settlement in which the USSR agreed to withdraw all its weapons and installations in Cuba in return for the USA’s promise never to invade the island and to withdraw its own nuclear weapons from Turkey.
What was the West’s response to the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Congratulate both Kennedy and Khrushchev for their statesmanship in drawing back from the brink of war.
What did Mao condemn the USA and SU’s coexistence as after the Cuban Missile Crisis?
As collusion with the imperialist enemies.
What did Mao criticise Khrushchev for his attempt at modernising?
Soviet agriculture and industry by a policy of decentralised planning and wage incentives.
Dismissed as a return to Capitalism.
What did Mao call on other Communist in all other countries to do?
Reject the USSR’s lead and develop their own form of true Marxism along Chinese lines.
What idea was vital for Mao?
Continuing revolution
What did Trotsky believe about the idea of a continuing revolution?
Had made ‘continuing’ or ‘permanent’ revolution the essence of Marxism-Leninism.
For him, revolution was not an event but a continuing process that guaranteed the ultimate victory of an international proletariat.
Who was Trotsky?
Stalin’s arch opponent in the 1920s and 1930s
Why was the idea of a continuing revolution important?
Revolutions that did not constantly renew themselves would fall prey to reaction.
[QUOTE] What did Mao say about the idea of a revolution?
“Our revolutions are like battles. After a victory, we must at once put forward a new task. In this way, cadres and the masses will forever be filled with revolutionary fervour.”
What question did the continuous dispute over the meaning of revolution raise?
Which nation was the real leader of the Communist world
What arguments did Soviet political scientists present which said that China could not be a Communist state?
Said China was a predominantly a rural peasant society so could not be a fully developed Communist state.
Asserted Mao had distorted Marxism to make it fit the Chinese context.
How did CCP theorists retort to the arguments presented by Soviet political scientists?
Retorted that the SU was betraying the cause of world revolution by pursuing a suicidal policy of détente with the West.
How long would the Sino-Soviet dispute last metaphorically?
Would outlive Mao
Why was the USA a natural enemy of the PRC?
USA = thriving Capitalist system
PRC = ideologically committed to the destruction of Capitalism within its own borders and worldwide.
From the earliest days of the PRC, why could its agents be found in Latin America?
Mao’s political instinct was to back all revolutionary movement wherever they occurred in the world, where they would be bidding to replace the Soviet Union as promoters of the Communist revolution.
What did the USA believe about the USSR and China?
They were acting as a joint Communist bloc.
What atmosphere did the US perception of a joint-Sino-Soviet conspiracy create?
One in which the Chinese Reds were feared as much in the USA as US imperialists were in China.
What did the US believing China and the USSR were acting as a joint Communist bloc mean?
It took some time for the reality of the deep Sino-Soviet split to be appreciated by the Americans.
What played a part in the deepening of Sino-American animosity and opposition?
Why could there be no peaceful settlement between Chiang and Mao?
They were adamant in their refusal to recognise a claim of the other to dominance over the Island (Taiwan)
Why did the Nationalist problem worsen Sino-American relations?
The USA backed Chiang’s Nationalist China as a member of the UN, in denial of the PRC’s place.
What did Mao continue to do through the 1950s, in regards to Taiwan?
Continued to rattle the sabre (threaten to take aggressive action), ordering troop movements and manoeuvres that seemed to be a prelude (introduction) to an invasion.
Why was it doubtful that Mao would risk an invasion with Taiwan?
Wouldn’t have done so without explicit and obvious support from the USSR which was something he never received.
What 5 action of the US made Mao feel justified to taking an aggressive stance towards the Taiwan issue?
- Supplying Chiang’s illegal regime with finance and resources.
- Persuading the UN to impose a trade embargo on the PRC.
- Using the US Seventh Fleet to patrol the stretch of sea (straits) between Taiwan and the Communist mainland.
- Signing a mutual security pact in 1954 in which the USA pledged to support the GMD government and to defend Taiwan against attack from outside.
- Installing sophisticated weaponry in Taiwan, including missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.
When did Mao make his most aggressive against Taiwan?
What actions did Mao take against Taiwan and the USA in 1958?
Instructed PLA shore batteries to shell the Nationalist-held island of Quemoy and Matsu.
US vessels threatened in the Taiwan straits.
How did the US respond to Mao’s aggressive actions against Taiwan?
Prepared for war.
Why did no attack come from China when the US prepared for war, regarding the Taiwan issue?
No attack came from the mainland as they were in no position to invade as they did not possess the necessary air power and landing craft to mount a successful invasion of the well defended island.
What else caused the strain of Sino-American relations, apart from McCarthyism and the Taiwan issue?
Nuclear issue
Why did nuclear weapons strain Sino-American relations?
USA was a nuclear power and the PRC would not develop its own atomic bomb until 1964.
How did Mao react to the USA’s nuclear weapons?
Showed disdain and contempt for them and referred to the US as paper tigers (appeared threatening but were ineffectual).
What was the 1963 test ban treaty?
Treaty signed on Oct 7, 1963 which prohibited nuclear weapons tests or other nuclear explosions, under water, in the atmosphere, or in outer space.
Allowed underground nuclear tests along as no radioactive debris falls outside the boundaries of the nation conducting the test.
What relations did the 1963 test ban treaty worsen?
Sino-soviet relations
Why did the 1963 test ban treaty worsen Sino-Soviet relations?
Dismissed as betrayal by the USSR of its revolutionary role.
Mao said that instead of confronting imperialism, it was collaborating with it.
[QUOTE] What did Mao say on the issue of coexistence and the 1963 test ban treaty?
“Soviet revisionists are uniting with the running dogs of Capitalism.”
In a formal statement he made, in 1963, what did Mao say about coexistence?
Coexistence could only operate between equal nations but since in Marxist logic all pre-revolutionary states were in subjection (enslaved) to the exploiting Capitalist power, true equality did not exist.
Therefore it is impossible to practise peaceful coexistence with the imperialists and their lackeys (servants)
What was a betrayal of international socialism for Mao?
To pretend there could be peaceful relations between oppresses and oppressor classes and between oppressed and oppressor nations.
How did Khrushchev react to Mao’s take on the USSR betraying international Socialism?
Accused the Chinese of irresponsibility as they were being arrogant and dangerous in claiming to speak for the international working class.
[QUOTE] Khrushchev’s response to Mao’s take on the USSR’s betrayal to international socialism?
“We might ask the Chinese-what right have you to decide for us questions involving our very existence and our class struggle, not by unleashing a world thermo-nuclear war.”
What did Khrushchev claim the China wanted instead of peace?
Wised to see the East and West destroy themselves in nuclear war, leaving China free to dominate what was left of the world/
In the 1950s, why had Mao been unhappy with the attitude of Stalin and successive Soviet leaders towards the nuclear question?
In order for the Soviets to give China support, Mao must have given the USSR a controlling hand in the PRC’s defence policy which was too much for Mao.
What had no nuclear support from the Soviets mean?
China was pushed into becoming a superpower unaided.
In 1959, why had there been an extremely low point in Sino-Soviet relations in regards to support?
USSR had decided to withdraw its scientists from the PRC.
What did China do after the USSR withdrew their scientists from the PRC?
Continued with their own research after painstakingly putting together records that the Soviet advisers shredded before their departure.
When did China detonate their first nuclear device?
What was China’s first nuclear device called?
What did crowns sing in Mao’s honour when the first nuclear device was detonated in Communist China?
‘The East is Red’
When did China produce its first hydrogen bomb?
[QUOTE] What did Mao say, gloatingly, to mock the USSR’s refusal to assist China with them becoming a nuclear power?
“This is the result of Khrushchev’s help; by withdrawing the experts he forced us to take our own road. We should give him a big medal.”
Why did China’s emergence as a nuclear power scare the world?
China did not hold the same fear of nuclear war as the rest of the world.
Why did China not have the same fear of nuclear war as the rest of the world?
Referred to nuclear weapons as paper tigers
Why did China refer to nuclear weapons as paper tigers?
Told Khrushchev that despite the awesome destructiveness of these weapons, the PRC was quite willing to think about nuclear war with its enemies. China didn’t fear nuclear war because Mao said the population of China was so big that it would soon make up any losses it suffered no matter how great the disaster.
[QUOTE] What did Mao believe China could survive a nuclear war on?
“On the debris of dead imperialism, the victorious Chinese people would create very swiftly a civilisations a thousands of times higher than the Capitalist system and a truly beautiful future for themselves.”
What did Mao believe that China’s emergence as a superpower and its refusal to be afraid of paper tigers had confirmed its position as?
The true champion of the oppressed peoples of the world.
What was Khrushchev trying to convince the rest of the Marxist world about China in 1964?
The Maoist brand of China was heretical (nonconformist) and Mao’s policy of isolating China was continued by the collective leadership that would take over after him (superseded).
What was created by each side to accuse either the Soviets or China of a long list of crimes against Communism?
Fierce Sino-Soviet propaganda.