Lesson 2 Threat Actors and Threat Intel Flashcards
A weakness in a system that can be exploited
actors willing to exploit a vulnerability
impact and likelihood of vulnerability being exploited by a threat
attributes of threat actors
known threat vs adversary behaviors
can be internal not just external to local network
intentions can be malicious, opportunistic, accidental, or unintentional
levels of sophistication depends on resources, funding, capability levels
Type of hackers
Lone hacker - white vs black hats vs grey hats
Scipt kiddies - unprofessional, just using scripts, etc, not sophisticated
Hacktivists - usually politically or socially motivated to make a statement
State Actors
State backed, military/secret, and highly sophisticated
Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) - ability to access and stay connected to a network without authorization
Done for espionage and strategic advantage
deniability - able to cover tracks during attack
False flag operations - diversions, other minor attacks or overwhelm a system to cover real operations
Criminal Syndicates
Operate across legal jurisdictions
Threat Actors out to make money/profit
Well funded and resourced
Cyber espionage to gain advantage over
Gain financial info on competitors
Can combine with insider threat
Insider Threat
- has or had authorized access
- employees, contractors, partners
- motivated by sabotage, financial gain, business advantage
- weak policies and procedures
- weak adherence to policies and procedures
- lack of training/security awareness
- shadow IT
attack surface
points where an attacker can discover/exploit vulnerabilities to access a network or application
attack vectors
parts of a system which can be exploited to gain access to a network direct access removable media email remote and wireless supply chain web and social media cloud
Threat research sources
Counter intelligence
Threats, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP)
Threat Research Sources
Threat Intelligence Providers
narrative analysis and commentary
Reputation/threat data feeds - cyber threat intelligence (CTI)
Platforms and feeds
-vendor websites
-public/private information sharing centers
-open source intelligence (OSINT) threat data sources
OSINT as reconnaissance and monitoring
Tactics, Techniques and Procedures are a generalized statement of adversary behavior (of known attacks)
tactics - campaign strategy and approach
techniques - generalized attack vectors
procedures - specific intrusion tools and methods
Threat Data feeds
STIX - structured threat info exchange - uses xml for description of attack TAXII - transport method using STIX AIS - Automated Indicator of Sharing Threat maps file/code repos Vulnerability DBs and feeds
Artificial Intelligence and Info Security
Used to correlate security intelligence and security event monitoring with threat data from threat feeds, databases, etc Are expert Systems Use Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) - inputs, outputs and feedback - objectives and error states
Predictive Analysis of threats
Used to correlate security intelligence and security event monitoring with threat data from threat feeds, databases, etc
Predictive Analysis
- threat forecasting
- monitors ‘chatter’ on social media sites
Information and Sharing Center
- Entities which share intelligence data about threats and attacks
- good for critical infrastructure providers
Open Source Intelligence
- harvesting cybersecurity information from public websites and data records
- for threat intel, refers to research and data feeds which are publicly available
Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS)
- service offered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for participating in threat intelligence sharing
- uses the Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII) protocol as a means of transmitting CTI data between servers and clients.
A global knowledge DB documenting real-world adversary tactics and techniques
good source of OSINT
Open Web Application Security Project