Lesson 2: Thanatology and the Death System Flashcards
The study of death and the practices of societies and cultures that accompany it
The components of the death system
people, places, times, objects, symbols, and imagery
The functions of the death system
warnings and predictions, prevention, caring for the dying, disposing of the dead, consolidation after death, making sense of death, sanctioned killing, war, a deadly species, and sacrifice
directly connected such as funeral directors, health care professionals, clergy, indirectly connected such as butcher selling meats or scientist creating weapons
associated such as hearse, death certificate, coffin, noose, gallows, electric chair, unintended association such as cigarettes, over the counter drugs, alcohol, automobiles
hospitals, funeral homes, cemeteries, assassination sites, historical battlefields
Symbols and Images
wearing black, slow solemn organ music, euphemisms such as passed on expired or went to their award, dysphemisms such as croaked, OD’d, bit the dust
9/11, day of the dead, memorial day, remembrance day
Warnings and Predictions
society can choose to ignore or respond to warnings, alerts to personal threats, societal and global level
Preventing Death
systems to prevent death medically, militarily, against natural disasters, war on death is selective, follows society’s general patterns of discrimination and unequal opportunity
Caring for the Dying
some cases working for cures, some for comfort, when to move from treatment to care orientation
Disposing of the Dead
from hospital to ritual to grave, preferences change with generations and cultures
Social Consolidation After Death
meet challenges faced by individuals and society due to loss of member
Making Sense of Death
offering comforting words or a way to reason or understand death, often superficial and limited to cliches
Sanctioned Killing
execution practiced by many but not all cultures, English criminal law made death the punishment for an array of offenses but relatively few were actually executed, banned in some US states, others still allow hanging or firing squad, death penalty is the most obvious example of the death system as killer
Natural and expected or preventable? have we become more deadly as we become more civilized, excessive risk of death to lower classes
Life Expectancy
estimated number of remaining years in a persons life at a particular time
average number of years between birth and death
Cause of Death
determined by physician and recorded on death certificate, 3 general categories: degenerative biological conditions, disease, socioenvironmental
Mortality Rate
proportion of people who have died within a particular time period to the number of people within the population
Crude Death rate
does not control for age, total number of deaths divided by number of people in population
Age-standardized mortality rate
adjusted for age