Lesson 2: Physical Properties Flashcards
It is composed of solids, liquids, and gases
it may be minerals, organic matter, or both.
solid phase
the spaces between the solids (solid particles)
_____________ is the predominant liquid and ______________ is the predominant gas.
Water, Gas
The soil water is called the ___________ and plays a very important role in the behavior of soils under load.
If all voids are filled with water, it is ___________
If no water in the void space, it is _____________
If the void is partially filled with water , it is ___________
The physical parameters of soils are influenced by the
relative proportions of each of these phases. (True or False?)
The ratio of the amount of water (Ww) in the soil
(Ws) and expressed as a percentage.
Water Content, w
The ratio of the volume of void space (Vv) to the volume of solids (Vs). It is usually expressed as a
decimal quantity.
void ratio, e
The volume of soil per unit volume of solids. This
equation is useful in relating volumes.
Specific Volume, V’
The ratio of the volume of voids (Vv) to the total
volume (V).
porosity, n
The maximum and minimum porosities would be ______ and _______, respectively
48% and 26%
The maximum and minimum porosities stated is equivalent to maximum and minimum void ratios of _______ and _______, respectively.
0.91 and 0.35
The void ratios of real coarse-grained soils vary between _________ and _______
1 and 0.3
Clay soils often have void ratios greater than 1. (True or False?)
The ratio of the volume of water to the volume of
voids, often expressed a percentage.
Degree of Saturation, S
If S=1 or 100%, the soil is ____________.
If S=0, the soil is _____________.
- saturated
- dry