Lesson 2 Observational Tecniques Flashcards
What is an observation
when a researcher watches or listens to participants engaging in whatever behaviour is being studied.
What is an non participant observation
when the researcher does not get directly involved with the interactions of the participants and does not take part in their activities.
eg observing participants in the gym and the psychologist stands around and does not actually engage in any exercise.
Advantages of non participant observation
The researcher won’t be able to manipulate the results in any way
Participants Can’t show demand characteristics
Allows researcher to see what goes on with their own eyes - can make judgements and observe body language used
Researcher can be more open minded as they’re an outsider looking in - less likely to feel sympathy and therefore produce bias data
More ethical if done overtly - no ethical issues if people are aware they are being observed
Disadvantages of non participant observation
There may be valuable information research may not see
can lead to Hawthorne effect - people act differently as they know they are being observed
May be hard to gain accurate results as watching from a distance
Impression management
Time consuming/costly
What is participation observation
researcher is directly involved with the interactions of the participants and will engage in the activities that the participants are doing e.g. observing participants in the gym and the psychologist actually engages in exercise and uses the gym equipment
Advantage of participant observation
You get a close up insight on results, and a better understanding of what is happening, which increases validity
Validity - produces rich qualitative data which shows picture of how people really live. Researcher can see for them selves
Insight - Allows researcher to gain empathy through personal experience . By acting as a member can get insight into their meanings, veiw points, values and problems - gives authentic data
Flexibility - more flexible and allows for an open mind. Researcher can follow up different directions/ideas if something interesting occurs - Whyte - ‘learned answers to questions i wouldn’t have had the sense to ask’
Practical advantages - Access to more suspicious groups as can gain rapport and trust - helpful when studying groups like gangs. Also useful to use where questioning ineffective - Cicourel - study of how police categories juveniles through unconscious assumptions it would be pointless questioning them
Disadvantage of participant observation
Could lead to inaccurate or biased data
participants could show demand characteristics
Covert participation observation raises serious ethical difficulties - deceiving people to gain info on them is wrong - or participating in illegal/immoral activity in the course of research
Practical disadvantages - very time consuming - Whytes study took him 4 years to complete, need a trained researcher to recognise specific details, can be very demanding and stressful especially if done covertly
Representatives -small sample sizes as time consuming so hard to generalize from data
Bias - risk of getting to involved and therefore giving bias data, may begin to sympathise with the group so give bias data - Willis giving romanticized view of the lads to show them more positively
What is covert observation
The psychologist goes undercover and does not reveal their true identity, may give themselves a new identity. The group does not know that they are being observed.
Advantage of covert observation
High validity as participants will act as they naturally do
An advantage of covert observation is that it should be high in validity, as people are observed in natural surroundings, and – as they are unaware of being observed – the Hawthorne Effect is avoided. However, a disadvantage of covert observation is that it raises a number of ethical concerns.
Disadvantage of covert observation
Could be an ethical, because we don’t know if people would want to be recorded or observed, and they haven’t given permission
Could be seen as unethical- lack of consent and trust issues
• If the reporter is uncovered then the whole research could be ruined
• This type of research is hard to sustain over long periods of time
• Recording changes in behaviour/ recording general behaviour is difficult without raising suspicion
What is an overt observation
psychologist reveals their true identity and might also state that they are observing the group.
observer effects can occur as participants may change their behaviour when they know they are being observed, leading to invalid results.
Advantage of overt observation
The participants have given permission, so you can feel free to make notes and it is ethical
Characteristics of reseracher
Don’t have to fit in with group
Can make notes not rely on memory
Structured observation
No ethical issues
Ask questions
Positivist Objective
Higher level of reliability
Disadvantage of overt observation
The participants know they are being observed, which means they could show demand characteristics
Time consuming
Hawthorne effect
Difficult to repeat
Not always representative
What is a naturalistic observation
researcher observes participants in their own natural environment and there is no deliberate manipulation of the independent variable.
eg a psychologist watches people shopping at Westfield’s to see whether they are shopping alone or in a group.
Advantages of a naturalistic observation
1) Participants are usually unaware that they are being observed (covert observation) so there is a reduced chance of observer effect and participants are likely to act naturally. This gives valid results.
2) These studies have high mundane realism as the behaviour that is shown is likely to reflect everyday behaviour. These observations are also high in ecological validity, which means the results can be generalised to other settings and contexts.
3) Naturalistic observations are useful when the deliberate manipulation of variables would be impractical or unethical. For instance if we were to observe children in the playground naturally playing, it might be unethical to deliberately tell a child to be aggressive to another. However, if we saw natural aggression in the playground then this is more ethical as it has not been forced upon the participants.