Lesson 2 - Law of Agency Flashcards
- A person who on behalf of or for the benefit of another transacts business or handles money or property not the person’s own; such relationship implies great confidence and trust.
- Obedience
- Loyalty
- Disclosure
- Confidentiality
- Accountability
- Reasonable Care
Disclosure Regarding Real Estate Agency Relationship Form
- A written explanation, to be signed by a prospective buyer or seller of real estate, explaining to the client the role that the broker plays in the transaction.
- First document to be submitted to all prospective clients
Exclusive Agency
- An agreement of employment of a broker to the exclusion of all other brokers; if sale is made by any other broker during term of employment, broker holding exclusive agency is entitled to commissions in addition to the commissions payable to the broker who effected the transaction
- Made between a broker and a seller
-The employer of an agent or broker; the broker’s or agent’s client
Price Fixing
-Conspiring to establish fixed fees or prices for services or products.
Market Allocation
-An agreement between members of a trade to refrain from competition in specific market areas.
Independent Contractor Relationship
- A person that provides services to another under terms specified in a contract or within a verbal agreement. An independent contractor is not an employee.
- The agent does not have to work in a specific location
- The broker cannot control the agent’s work activities
General Agent
-Someone authorized to transact every kind of business for the principal.
Example: Property Manager
Special Agent
-An agent with limited authority to act on behalf of the principal, such as created by a listing.
Example: Real Estate Agent / Real Estate Broker
Universal Agent
-A universal agent has complete authority over any activity of the principal.
Example: Power of Attorney
Agent/Client Relationships
- The buyer and/or seller is known as the Principal or Client.
- The broker is known as the Agent.
- The salesperson is a Sub-agent of their broker.
Buyer Agency/Buyer Brokerage
- Buyer agency occurs when a purchaser/renter hires a broker to represent them.
- The purchaser/renter employs a broker to locate a property. In this relationship, the buyer is the principal and the broker is the agent.
- A Buyer Representation Form should be signed between the buyer and broker.
-Agent shall follow the legal instructions of their client.
-Agent shall work in the best interests of their client.
Disclosure of Information
-Agent shall promptly communicate all information about the transaction to their client. This includes presenting all offers to the client.
-Agent shall not reveal confidential information about the client to prospective buyers, without the express consent from the client. Such confidential information may harm the client.
-(refers to financial accountability) the agent must account for and promptly remit all money or property entrusted to the agent.
Reasonable Care
-Agent shall possess the necessary skills and training to perform their requested services.
What should the agent do if client refuses to sign Agency Disclosure Form
– Document the names and time, date, and reasons for refusal to sign the disclosure form.
- Complete the declaration form stating the facts, have it acknowledged, and retain a copy for their records for at least 3 years.
- The declaration form should say the following:
“Although I indicated to the buyer/seller that New York State Law required that I request that he/she sign to acknowledge receipt of the disclosure notice, he/she refused to sign the acknowledgement to the disclosure form when presented. The reason given for this refusal was as follows…”
-An agency by estoppel exists when a principal does not stop an individual from representing his or her interests, thus creating an agency relationship between the two.
Listing Contracts
A listing contract is created between a seller and a broker (NOT a salesperson).
The listing agreement creates an express agency relationship.
Exclusive Right to Sell Agreement
-This listing contract offers the most security to the broker. The seller must work exclusively with the broker to sell their property. The broker is entitled to a commission even if the seller finds a buyer themselves.
Exclusive Agency Agreement
-The seller must work exclusively with the broker to sell their property, BUT the seller does not have to pay the broker a commission if they find a buyer themselves.
Open Listing Contract
-The seller is allowed to work with any broker who brings them a buyer. Only the broker who brings a buyer is entitled to a commission. This is the riskiest type of listing contract for a broker.
An open listing contract is an example of a unilateral contract.
Net Listing
-A net listing is not technically a listing agreement, but a method of establishing the listing broker’s commission as all money above a specified net amount to the seller.
Net listings are illegal in New York.
Vicarious Liability
-Vicarious liability is a situation in which one party is held partly responsible for the unlawful actions of a third party.
According to Section 442-c of the New York Real Property Law, a broker is vicariously liable for a salesperson’s actions only when “the broker had actual knowledge of such violations or if the broker retains the benefits from the transaction after he knows that the salesperson has engaged in some wrongdoing”.
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
The Sherman Anti-Trust Act made the following actions illegal:
1) Price fixing
2) Group boycotts
3) Market allocation
4) Tie-in arrangements
- Misrepresentation consists of:
1) A false representation of a material fact.
2) A person making the false representation knew or should have known it to be false.
3) A person acts or does not act based on the misrepresentation.
4) A person who relies on the misrepresentation in acting or not acting.