Lesson 2 - Configuring Servers Flashcards
Define: NIC teaming
Define: role group
Define: role group
What is the cmdlet to rename a computer?
netdom renamecomputer %ComputerName% /NewName:
What is the cmdlet to restart a computer?
shutdown /r
What is the cmdlet to restart a computer?
shutdown /r
What is the cmdlet to join a computer to the domain?
netdom join %ComputerName% /domain: /userd: /paswordd:*
What is the cmdlet to join a computer to the domain?
netdom join %ComputerName% /domain: /userd: /paswordd:*
What PowerShell command is needed to convert a Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Core installation into a full GUI install?
Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra, Server-Gui-Shell -Restart
What PowerShell command can be used to convert a GUI installation of 2012 R2 to a Server Core installation?
Uninstall-Windows Feature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra, Server-Gui-Shell -Restart
What PowerShell command can be used to convert a GUI installation of 2012 R2 to a Server Core installation?
Uninstall-Windows Feature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra, Server-Gui-Shell -Restart
What PowerShell command can you use to create a NIC team?
New–NetLbfoTeam –Name –TeamMembers [–TeamingMode LACP|Static|SwitchIndependent] [–LoadBalancingAlgorithm TransportPorts|IPAddresses |MACAddresses|HyperVPort]
What PowerShell command can you use to create a NIC team?
New–NetLbfoTeam –Name –TeamMembers
[–TeamingMode LACP|Static|SwitchIndependent]
[–LoadBalancingAlgorithm TransportPorts|IPAddresses |MACAddresses|HyperVPort]