Lesson 2: Characteristics of Soils Flashcards
They were formed by movement of oils from its original place by gravity
Colluvial Soils
They were formed by deposition in the seas
Marine Soil
They are formed from sediments, animals and plant materials that are deposited in water or on the earth’s surface and then subjected to pressures and heat
Sedimentary Rocks
They are formed from magma (molten rock materials) emitted from volcanoes that have cooled and solidified
Igneous Rocks
They are ground fracture
It is the horizontal surface separation of a layer or bedding place
It is calcium sulphate formed under heat and pressure from sediments in ocean brine
It is a mixture of salt, sand, silt, and clay that may contain organic materials
It is a wind-blown, uniform fine-grained soil
They are clays that undergo large volume changes from cycles of wetting and drying
Expansive Soil
Formed by deposition of quite lakes
Lacustrine Soil
It is a clay and silt mixed with water into a viscous fluid
3 layers of the earth
downward separation of a bedding plane.
are chemical elements that constitute rocks.
are aggregation of minerals into a hard mass.
are materials that are derived from the weathering of rocks.
Average radius of the earth
6373 km
3 classifications of rocks
are formed deep within the earth’s crust from the transformation of igneous, sedimentary, and even existing metamorphic rocks.
Metamorphic rocks
involves reduction of size without any change in the original composition of the parent rock
Physical weathering
causes both reductions in size and chemical alteration of the original parent rock. The main agents responsible for chemical weathering are hydration, carbonation, and oxidation.
Chemical weathering
fine sediments that have been eroded from rock, transported by water, and have settled on river and stream beds.
transported by running water and deposited along streams
Alluvial Soil
contain calcium carbonate and effervesces when treated with hydrochloric acid.
Calcareous Soil
consists of gravel, sand, and clay cemented together by calcium carbonate.
are soils found at the base of mountains that have been eroded by the combination of water and gravity.
Collovial Soil
are sand-sized particles deposited by wind
Eolian Soil
are clays that undergo large volume changes from cycles of wetting and drying.
Expansive Soil
are mixed soils consisting rock debris, sand, silt, clays, and boulders.
Glacial Soil
consists mainly of coarse particles.
Glacial Till
are soil that were deposited in ancient lakes and subsequently frozen.
Glacial clay
are residual soils that are cemented with iron oxides and are found in tropical regions.
Lateritic Soil
soils formed by the weathered products at the place of their origin
Residual Soil
important characteristics of residual soil is _____ and ______
Particle size and gradation