Lesson 2 Flashcards
author /ˈɑː.θɚ/
the writer of a book, article, play, etc
neat /niːt/ # messy
tidy, with everything in its place
change purse
a small container for money, usually used by a woman
a printed table showing all the days, weeks, and months of the year
a hard cover in which paper documents or magazines are stored
an ID card
کارت ملی
a small piece of paper with a picture or pattern on it that is stuck onto a letter or package before it is posted, to show that the cost of sending it has been paid
soft paper that is used for cleaning, especially your nose
wallet - watch
a small folding case for carrying paper money, credit cards and other flat objects, that can be carried in a pocket and is used especially by men
don’t use a/an with glasses-pants-scissors
what are they?
They’re scissors
indefinite article
حرف تعریف نامشخص
consonant - vowel
حرف بی صدا - صدادار
regular - irregular
با قاعده - بی قاعده
when do we add es to make plural nouns?
when word ends in ch,sh,s,x
Final -es after ce,ch,sh,s,ge,x is pronounces /iz/
pieces - boxes - bridges - classes - places
plural -s is pronounces /s/ after these invoices sounds :
-s is pronounces /z/ after all other
this - that - these - those
These watches are Japanese.
Are those your dogs?
who’s that man over there?
Greece /ɡriːs/ Hungary /ˈhʌŋ.ɡər.i/ Czech /tʃek/ Poland /ˈpoʊ.lənd/ Switzerland India Argentina /ˌɑːr.dʒənˈtiː.nə/ Egypt /ˈiː.dʒɪpt/ Australasia /ˌɑː.strəˈleɪ.ʒə/ قاره استرالیا
Greek /ɡriːk/ Hungarian /hʌŋˈɡeəriən/ Czech polish /ˈpɑː.lɪʃ/ Swiss /swɪs/ Indian (Hindi) /ˈhɪn.di/ Argentinian /ˌɑːr.dʒənˈtɪn.i.ən/ Egyptian /iˈdʒɪp.ʃən/
Italians Brazilians Saudis the French the British the Swiss
مردم آن کشورها
e.g. Saudis speak Arabic.
Brazilians speak Portuguese.
The Chinese speak Mandarin. /ˈmæn.dɚ.ɪn/