Lesson 2 Flashcards
The belief that Christ is a created being, therefore denying the doctrine of the Trinity.
Atonement: The work of God in Christianity by which He restores the broken relationship between Him and sinners through the life, death, and resurrection of jesus Christ.
Authoritarian: The concentration of power in a self-appointed leader or group that demands total submission to its authority.
Canon: A rule or standa rd of judgment; an authoritative list of books accepted as Holy Scripture.
Confucianism: Ahumanistic philosophy/reli- gion that is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. It stresses social order, family structure, as wellas ancestor and nature worship.
Evangelism: The active presentation of the gospel with the intent of bringing others into a saving relationship with jesus Christ. (Often used by Adventists to simply mean the effort
to bring people into the Adventist Church.)
Evolution: The hypothesis that all life forms have, through a natural process, gradually developed from simpler forms.
Grace: An act of undeserved kindness . Saving grace is unmerited favor, the sinner receiving the imputed and imparted righteousness of Christ.
Humanism: Aphiliosophy that stresses a human being’s essentialgoodness and that he is “the measure of all things.” It regards the cosmos as uncreated, self-ex isting, and se lf-sus- taining.
Immaculate conception
Immaculate Conception: A Roman Catholic doctrine that affirms that Mary, the mother of jesus, was preserved immaculate (sinless) from the moment of conception in her mother’s womb.
Individualism: Allowing individua l rights to take precedence over group rights. Individual- ity becomes individualism when one becomes preoccupied with self-interest.
Indulgences: Remission of part or all the pun- ishment that, according to Roman Catholics, is due for sin committed but forgiven.
Life philosophy
Life philosophy: One’s personal conviction as to what life is all about and how it should be lived.
Liturgy: Aritual or a group of rites prescribed for public worship.
Miracle: An intervention by a supernatural power that transcends but does not violate natural law.