Lesson 2 Flashcards
Organized opposition to an authority
The rebellion was led by those who objected to taxation with no representation.
To give formal approval
In the United States, a treaty must be ratified by two-thirds of the senate in order to take effect.
To reestablishment friendship, to resolve a dispute
The family will never be the same until mom and Grandma reconcile their differences.
To repeat, to copy, or to duplicate
I always try to replicate the moves of my tennis pro when I am taking a lesson.
To make repayment or to return
The girl suffered a broken heart from unrequited love.
To express in an overly enthusiastic manner
He felt his Super Bowl trip was the greatest thing since the wheel and rhapsodized about it for weeks.
To set apart for sacred use, to make holy, to purify
A priest sanctifies water by blessing it.
Causing to wither or to dry up or to become scorched
One could easily die in the searing heat of the Mojave desert.
One who keeps guard as a sentry
The oak trees hovered over the house as sentinels.
High-pitched or piercing (sound)
The shrill sounds of the sirens pierced the night.