Lesson 2 Flashcards
What does it means to trisect something?
It means to divide into 3 equal parts.
What is a trilogy?
A trilogy is a group of 3 literary or musical works with a related theme
What is a triumvirate?
It’s a group of 3 who are in charge
What is a quadrant?
It’s a quarter of an area or circle; a machine for measuring altitude
What is a quartet?
It’s a set of 4 people, usually musicians
What is a quatrain?
It’s a stanza or group of 4 lines of poetry
What does decimate mean?
It means to destroy a large part, of or kill 1 in every 10
What is a decathlon?
It’s an athletic contest with 10 events
What does it mean to be bicentennial/ what is a bicentennial?
A 200 year anniversary OR happening every 200 years
What is the definition of the word centenary?
Pertaining to a 100 year period OR a centennial
What is the definition of the word centigrade?
Referring to a thermometer scale of 100° , where water freezes at 0° and boils at 100°.