Lesson 18- Physical Appearance Flashcards
Have a round face
Have an oval face
Droopy moustache
Handle-bar moustache
Pointed face
صورت زاویه دار
Straight nose
Upturned nose
Have a slim figure
Have a slender waist
Attractively slim
Have a lovely complexion
The natural colour and quality of a person’s skin
Sleek hair
Smooth and shiny
Opposite: coarse hair
She is always Immaculately groomed
Always tidy and looked after with great care
Broad hips
Broad shoulders
Wide hips
Wide shoulders
To be well-built
Have strong, attractive body
He is going bald
He is going gray
He went bald
He went gray
Has a youthful appearence
Thick hair
Bushy eyebrows
ابروهای خمینی
He is very cute with Chubby cheeks
Fat in a pleasant and attractive way
Jet-black hair
Fair hair
Light hair
A short, dumpy woman
Short and quite fat woman
Negative adj
دکه/ جا دست فروش
Portly gentleman
A portly gentleman answered the door.
Fat and round; used for middle-aged and older man
Lanky youth
A lanky youth was standing at the St.
Tall and thin and tending to move awkwardly
Dishevelled hair
Very Untidy hair
Bear a striking resemblance to sb
(I resemble my mother)
Bear= have
Looks remarkably like