Lesson 17: Application of Molecular Biology Flashcards
What is a reporter gene?
Something that can be easily visualized in a cell.
Common reporter genes are:
- Jellyfish : Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)
- emits fluorescent light when applied
- E.coli: Lac Z (beta-galactosidase)
- turns compound blue
- FIrefly: Luciderase Enzyme
- light producing chemical reaction
What is the function of a reporter gene?
1) Show which cells express a gene
2) Used to determine regulatory sequences
How are reporter genes constructed?
A coding sequence for a gene you want to express is REPLACED with a reporter gene.
- NOTE: The pattern of expression of the reporter gene should match the pattern of expression of the original coding sequence
How are fusion proteins constructed?
Fusion proteins attach to the particular protein you are trying to localize in a cell. This type of experiment is done in a LIVING cell/organism. So you can treat with a drug or put the cell under different environmental conditions.
- NOTE: When you “fuse” two proteins together in the genome, we HAVE to consider the reading frame.
What is the function of a fusion protein?
Allows you to see where a particular PROTEIN is LOCALIZED in a cell. This allows you to learn something about the protein and what its function might be.
What is a fusion protein?
A fusion protein is a protein that is naturally fluorescent.
Ex: GFP (shine blue light and emit green light)
- When you mutate GFP other fusion proteins can be discovered (change color of light that is emitted).
What are protein domains?
Region of a polypeptide chain that can usually fold independently and typically has its own cellular function or creates structure for the protein.
What is an advantage of protein domains?
Through evolution, scientists learned that you can MIX and MATCH these protein domains.
- ex: as few as 1000 distinct exons of 30-50 amino acids could be mixed and matched to create hybrid genes in the human genome.
What is exon shuffling?
RARE EVENT! (happens on evolutionary scale)
- Exons can swap/exchange in intron regions and will get spliced into the existing exons.
- As long as the splicing doesn’t alter the reading frame the new exon will become part of the protein and because introns are large and non-coding where the swap occurs is not critical.
—-> This allows a “mix and match” of protein domains and can create new proteins with new functions! Including transcription regulators. (evolutionary advantages)
How does exon shuffling differ from alternative splicing?
Exon shuffling is much rarer, happens more frequently.
What is the function of in situ hybridization?
Takes advantage of complementary base pairing to determine WHERE a gene is expressed in a cell or tissue.
How does in situ hybridization work?
It uses a probe marked with a fluorescent or dye and then hybridization occurs in the tissue sample
What are the advantages of in situ hybridization?
- Examine localization of cells expressing a particular mRNA
What are the disadvantages of in situ hybridization?
- Must have a “fixed” sample (can’t be done in living organisms)
- This differs from fusion proteins which are typically
done in living organisms
- This differs from fusion proteins which are typically
- Need to know the mRNA sequence
- Limited to only a few mRNAs at a time
When do we use in situ hybridization?
When we want to see where a PARTICULAR gene is expressed in an organism
What is the function of RNA Seq?
Used to determine which genes are expressed and relative levels
How does RNA Seq work?
1) Isolate RNA from samples
2) Fragment RNA into short segments
3) Convert RNA fragments into cDNA (DNA without introns)
4) Perform sequencing on cDNA
5) Map sequencing reads to the genome to determine which RNAs were in your sample and their relative levels.
- This also allows determination of alternative
What are the advantages of RNA Seq?
- Don’t need to know the sequence before
- Learn about what isoforms are expressed in a cell
What are the disadvantages of RNA Seq?
- Expensive (but getting cheaper)
- Get a lot of data out of RNA Seq (sometimes its too much)
When do we use RNA Seq?
When we want to know ALL the genes expressed in the cells
What is the function of qPCR (quantitative, reverse transcriptase PCR)?
To quantify or determine the relative mRNA concentration
How does qPCR work?
1) Make cDNA (template for PCR reaction)
- Start off with RNA. Then add a 5’ poly T primer which complementary base pairs with the poly A tail. Then reverse transcriptase will extend the primer and build the cDNA.
2) Denature (use heat to split the cDNA)
3) Design proper primers that can complementary base pair with DNA (primer annealing)
4) DNA polymerase extends from the primer, transcribing the DNA.
- Here is where dyes are used to quantify the amount of product that is being made
What are the advantages of qPCR?
- Fast, relatively cheap
- Can be used to determine relative mRNA concentration (does it go up or down)
- low PCR products -> low mRNA
- high PCR products -> high mRNA
What are the disadvantages of qPCR?
- Need to know the mRNA sequence
- Limited to only a few mRNAs at a time
When do we use qPCR?
When we want to know if a SPECIFIC gene is expressed in cells
What are methods for “breaking a gene”?
1) Knock down the mRNA level of the gene
- RNAi (siRNA)
2) Completely remove it or render it non-functional
- Gene knock-out (Homologous Recombination)
- CRISPR technology (CRISPR + NHEJ)
3) Generate mutations
- Clone and express mutants in a plasmid (Restriction
enzymes and PCR)
- CRISPR technology (CRISPR + HDR)
How does RNAi technology knock down the mRNA level of a gene?
- Instead of using “foreign” RNA, we are going to introduce dsRNA of our choosing.
- This dsRNA will contain sequences against our gene of interest and will KNOCK DOWN the amount of mRNA and therefore protein being made by the cell.
What are advantages of RNAi?
- Relatively cheap
- Easy to give to cells
- Does not require manipulation of the genome (only mRNA)
What are disadvantages of RNAi?
- Not permanent (short-lived)
- Not a complete knock-out (may have residual expression) -> can confound results
When do we use RNAi technology?
1) When we want to eliminate the mRNA/protein to learn about its function
2) When we want to only eliminate the mRNA/protein NOT THE GENE in the organism’s genome
How do we make the dsRNA that we need for RNAi?
We can feed worms bacteria expressing dsRNA then they will release dsRNA.
What is the function of gene knockout?
- At the DNA level, the DNA is changed to eliminate the entire or part of the DNA in the genome to render the gene non-functional
- Replace the gene with a selectable marker (which has a drug resistance gene). Only cells with the replacement will survive drug treatment. Thus, just keeping cells where we’ve made the knockout.
How can we use homologous recombination for gene knockout?
1) Start off with an accidental double-strand break
2) Cell recognizes this break needs to be repaired.
3) Then we supply the cell with an identical donor DNA that has the selectable marker inserted in it
- We can trick the cell to repair the DNA using the homologous DNA with the selectable marker. So now the selectable marker will replace where the gene was.
Describe general strategy for gene targeting in mice.
1) Culture embryonic stem cells from a mouse
2) Generate a targeting construct with regions of homology to to the target gene
3) Transfect targeting construct into embryonic stem cells
4) Select embryonic stem cells for their resistance to G418 and Ganciclovir
5) Grow population of embryonic stem cells carrying knock-out
6) Inject embryonic stem cells into a mouse blastocyst
7) Introduce into a pseudopregnant mouse
8) Isolate chimeric offspring
9) Mating between chimeric mouse and normal mice until you have mice only with the targeted gene
What is the purpose of eukaryotic targeting?
It permits selection of cells that have properly generated the knock-out
How do we use eukaryotic targeting for gene knock out?
When we do homologous recombination, we do not want any outside regions to be included, only the selectable marker (NeoR)
However, sometimes a random insertion (tkHSV) can occur while doing the gene knock out which is problematic.
Luckily, tkHSV is sensitive to ganciclovir, so these cells will die in the presence of ganciclovir. And the cells without tkHSV will survive since they are resistant to ganciclovir.
What is NeoR?
makes the cells expressing it resistant to G418 (selectable marker)
What is tkHSV?
(random insertion)
cells expressing this convert the compound ganciclover to a toxic compound – kills cells expressing it in the presence of ganciclover.
- Cells not expressing tkHSV are resistant to ganciclover
What is CRISPR?
Clusters of Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
- This system functions in bacteria and acts like an “immune” system to target and destroy invading viruses.
What is the function of CRISPR?
1) Generate gene “knock-out” mutations to study the function of a gene -> NHEJ
2) For precisely and permanently altering the genome of an organism -> HDR
- VERY EFFICIENT! Works in every cell type that its been tested in! Even cells that homologous recombination never work well in.
- With CRISPR we have the power to alter rapidly, cheaply, and easily any genome (even humans)
How do CRISPR-Cas9 genetic scissors work?
Ca9 enzyme - endonuclease (“scissors”) - cuts DNA
1) Researchers artificially construct a single guide RNA (sgRNA) which forms a complex with the Cas9 and direct the scissors to the precise location in the genome where the cut will be made. (complementary base pairig is used also)
2) Cas9 will generate a double strand break in the DNA
When do you want to use Non-Homologous End Joining (NHEJ)?
For a gene knockout
- NHEJ will insert or delete nucleotides (indels), thus causing gene disruption. So the gene’s function will be changed allowing for us to determine what that particular mRNA’s function was.
When do you want to use Homology Directed Repair (HDR)?
For an insertion or repair of a mutation
- We want homology directed repair (HDR) to work to replace the gene with the mutant; supply a donor template