Lesson 17 Flashcards
Force, energy (bb)
力 (lì#)
巧克力 (qiǎo kè lì#)
为 (wéi#)
为什么 (wèi shén me#)
边 (biān#)
Over here
这边 (zhè biān#)
To fix, manage
办 (bàn)
To take care of official matters
办公 (bàn gōng)
办公室 (bàn gōng shì)
What should I do?
怎么办? (zěn me bàn)
I don’t know what to do
我不知道怎么办 (wǒ bù zhī dào
zěn me bàn)
To go (bb)
去 (qù#)
Law, way, method
法 (fǎ)
法国 (fǎ guó)
法语 (fǎ yǔ)/ 法文 (fǎ wén)
语法 (yǔ fǎ)
The court
法院 (fǎ yuàn)
Way, method
办法 (bàn fǎ)
Do you have any ideas (what to do?)
你有办法吗? (nǐ yǒu bàn fǎ ma )
There’s nothing to do, no way
没办法 (méi bàn fǎ)
I can’t help you
我没办法帮你 (wǒ méi bàn fǎ
bāng nǐ)
There are ways to
有办法 (yǒu bàn fǎ)
To think of, to recall
想起来 (xiǎng qi lai#)
I can’t think of your name
我想起来你的名字 (wǒ xiǎng qi lai nǐ
de míng zi)
To think of
想到 (xiǎng dào)
Can’t think of it
想不到 (xiǎng bu dào )
Can’t think of a way
想不到办法(xiǎng bu dào bàn
To think of ways
想办法 (xiǎng bàn fǎ)
I can’t think of how to do it
我想不到应该怎么说 (wǒ xiǎng bu dào
zěn me zuò)
书法 (shū fǎ)
I know calligraphy
我会书法 (wǒ huì shū fǎ)
I can do calligraphy
我会写书法 (wǒ huì xiě shū fǎ)
Way to say sth
说法 (shuō fǎ)
There are other ways to say this word
这个词还有其他说法 (zhè ge cí hái yǒu
qí tā shuō fǎ)
用法 (yòng fǎ)
This thing has two ways to use it in
这个东西有两个用法 (zhè ge dōng xī
yǒu liǎng gè yòng
Idea, opinion, ways to think
想法 (xiǎng fǎ )
Way to do sth
做法 (zuò fǎ )
This way of doing it is not good
这种做法不好 (zhè zhǒng zuò fǎ
bù hǎo)
Way, method
方式 (fāng shì#)
Way, method (when there’s a problem)
方法 (fāng fǎ)
To manage, fix
办理 (bàn lǐ)
What are you going to fix?
你要办理什么? (nǐ yào bàn lǐ shén
To continue
继续 (jì xù#)
Information, documents
手续 (shǒu xù)
Handle documents
办理手续 (bàn lǐ shǒu xù)
Correct, to..
对。。。 (duì#)
My mom is good to me
妈妈对我很好 (mā ma duì wǒ
hěn hǎo)
I said to him: Ok
我对他说可以 (wǒ duì tā shuō
kě yǐ)
With, and
跟 (gēn#)
Mother and I
妈妈跟我 (mā ma gēn wǒ)
看法 (kàn fǎ)
What do you think?
你有什么看法? (nǐ yǒu shén me
kàn fǎ )
What’s your opinion on this?
你对这个有什么看法 (nǐ duì zhè ge yǒu
shén me kàn fǎ )
Natural (bb)
青 (qīng#)
To guess
猜 (cāi#)
青菜 (qīng cài#)